Obama hopes to extend his winning streak of eight straight primaries and caucuses since Super Tuesday.
He won 48 percent of women in Wisconsin compared to 41 percent on Super Tuesday.
CNN: Analysis: Obama continues to chip away at Clinton's base
California is the biggest prize on Super Tuesday, February 5, when 24 states hold contests.
In contests held through Super Tuesday, exit polls indicated that Clinton overwhelmingly won the Catholic vote.
He is counting on doing well in states in the South on Super Tuesday.
On Super Tuesday, Obama received only 38 percent of the Latino vote, while former rival Sen.
Bill Bradley, who dropped his bid after a blowout loss on Super Tuesday in early March.
CNN: After an early spring lull, primary activity heats up in May
By the way, translation there, 24 states will hold contests on Super Tuesday.
However it goes on Super Tuesday, the two California debates should serve as an alarm to Republicans.
On the road to Super Tuesday some big-name candidates fell by the wayside leaving just Obama and Clinton.
He split the non-college-graduate vote 50-50 with Clinton compared to getting 42 percent of it on Super Tuesday.
CNN: Analysis: Obama continues to chip away at Clinton's base
After Michigan several states, including key presidential battleground Ohio, will hold contests on "Super Tuesday", on 6 March.
Consider: In his Super Tuesday victory speech, Gore made a special appeal to those who worship Teddy Roosevelt.
Giuliani has largely skipped New Hampshire and is pinning his hopes on Florida and the Super Tuesday states.
It's one of those delegate rich states up for grabs on Super Tuesday.
Roosevelt, and as of Super Tuesday, Clinton had a lock on the nomination without even calling himself a candidate.
It's also hard to say how many new voters there will be on Super Tuesday or in the fall.
The lights weren't out at local polling stations before she was on a plane to a Super Tuesday state.
He increased his standing with white seniors by 8 points, from 31 percent to 39 percent since Super Tuesday.
CNN: Analysis: Obama continues to chip away at Clinton's base
On 6 March, popularly known as "Super Tuesday", 11 states will hold contests.
McCain was the GOP candidate with the most momentum going into Super Tuesday.
California's primary has also grown more important since the date was changed from June to Super Tuesday in March.
Super Tuesday, when each party will hold more than 20 primaries in the same day, is a week from tomorrow.
Huckabee campaigned in Florida and also has spent time stumping in some Southern states that will vote on Super Tuesday.
They opted to concentrate on next week's "Super Tuesday" contests in states such as New York, California, Missouri and Georgia.
CNN: Hillary Clinton trumpets win in Florida despite lack of delegates
In the all-important Super Tuesday contests, McCain took at least 504 delegates, compared to 175 for Romney and 141 for Huckabee.
But does he want to drag out the agony of almost inevitable eventual defeat right until Super Tuesday in early March?
What we call Super Tuesday today is going to include about half of the states in the country on February 5th.
Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean expressed satisfaction Wednesday with the primaries and what the Super Tuesday results mean for his party.
The primary there on the 29th will set the table for Super Tuesday, and there are so many Sunshine State scenarios.