In print, even more than in movies and on TV, Superman continues to be a juggernaut.
Batman reminds Superman that he is a better person than Batman will ever be.
FORBES: It is the Legend: Injustice: Gods Among Us #11 Review
If Clark Kent had never left Smallville, then the significance of Superman would be much reduced.
In the meantime, Superman: Unbound drops on DVD, Blu Ray, and various downloadable platforms tomorrow.
FORBES: 'Superman Unbound' And The Future Of The DC Animated Universe
Superman: Unbound is the seventeenth DC Animated Universe DVD feature to be released since 2007.
FORBES: 'Superman Unbound' And The Future Of The DC Animated Universe
Also, Damian seems firmly alongside Wonder Woman and Superman, which also makes a little sense.
FORBES: Thinking it over: Injustice: Gods Among Us #13 Review
The longtime power couple of comics, Superman and Lois Lane, are calling it quits.
Hot Topic is the chain that succeeded with South Park, Care Bears, Superman, and SpongeBob SquarePants.
"It's not an S. On my world it means 'hope, '" a caped Superman responds.
But back in 2006 when Superman Returns hit theaters, the digital clone wasn't asked to emote.
"The great thing about Superman is that everybody loves Superman, " Zimmer said with a laugh.
So that 50% share of the primary Superman rights still rests in corporate hands.
FORBES: Heirs of Superman Creators Wage Epic Battle With Warner Bros.
He then hurt himself in a forum where he'd thought he was superman--the debates.
Anyway, we may have more Nolan Batman on the way, dear readers, alongside the new Superman.
In 1978, the year Superman came out, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were living in poverty.
Already we see Superman behaving more callously toward Justice League members, namely Green Lantern.
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Even from these brief pages, we can start to imagine why Superman is displeased with Batman.
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Superman "is probably the most heterosexual character in any movie I've ever made, " said Singer.
BBC: Superman actor Routh was chosen from hundreds of hopefuls
Superman Returns opens in the US on 28 June and in the UK on 14 July.
BBC: Superman actor Routh was chosen from hundreds of hopefuls
Clark Kent and Superman have always been a social commentary on the world around them.
Not that long ago, the local press would refer to the richest tycoon, Li Ka-shing, as Superman.
David Goyer has read Superman comic books and has based part of his script on recent adaptations.
When Superman launched in the 1930s, Lois was depicted as independent, strong and respected in her profession.
FORBES: What Do Comic Books Teach Us About Gender Attitudes?
And more importantly, will these other women realize that Clark is really just Superman without glasses on?
Alpargatas began licensing name brand characters as recent as 2009 with superhero characters like Batman and Superman.
Both Mr Fingeroth and Ms O'Brien highlight the duality between Superman and his "mild-mannered" alter-ego Clark Kent.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | The secret of Superman's success
For now, we can expect more Superman from Warner Bros and an appeal by the Shuster estate.
"It is not easy beating 'Superman', " said Taylor, referring to the nickname adopted by Clark of Kent.
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The most telling conversation though, is when Superman berates Batman for never killing the Joker in the past.
FORBES: It is the Legend: Injustice: Gods Among Us #11 Review
And I reeled them off and said, you know, I'm hoping they're looking at Superman for the job.