• In 1973, at the Paris air show the Tupolev 144, a Soviet supersonic airliner, crashed, killing 15 people.

    CNN: Tuesday,

  • In 1968, Russia's TU-144 supersonic airliner made its first flight, several months ahead of the Anglo-French Concorde, which it closely resembled.

    CNN: Tuesday,

  • Launched in 1976, the Anglo-French supersonic airliner remains the epitome of dash.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch

  • In 1970, the supersonic airliner Concorde landed for the first time at Heathrow airport in London, causing a barrage of complaints about the noise.

    CNN: Friday,

  • In 1956, the Supersonic Transport Aircraft Committee met in England to discuss building a supersonic airliner by British aircraft and engine manufacturers and the government.

    FORBES: Beware Of The Concorde Fallacy

  • The proposals include a new building to house Concorde 216, the final supersonic airliner built and the last whole aircraft to be produced on the Filton site.

    BBC: Filton airfield

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