• This gives it a supersonic speed, in excess of 900 mph (1, 450 kph).

    BBC: Profile: B-1 bomber

  • While that may not manifest itself in large physical artifacts or supersonic speed, it matters, possibly more so than anything that has come before.

    FORBES: Why 140 Characters Are Better Than A Flying Car

  • Gulfstream has recently introduced a new top-of-the-line 650 model that can fly 8, 000 miles without refueling at near-supersonic speed, reinforcing its reputation as the gold standard in business jets.

    FORBES: General Dynamics Begins 2013 With New Leader, Changing Business Mix

  • The project may be ambitious, but Kant notes that its supersonic timeframe is necessary given the speed the country's young population is growing.


  • Too big to rely on air bags to cushion its fall as with previous Mars landers, Curiosity landed through an automated system of high-speed maneuvers, a supersonic parachute, eight retro-rockets and a set of "sky-crane" tethers that lowered the vehicle gently the last few feet to the ground.

    WSJ: NASA's Curiosity Rover Lands on Mars

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