Although a lot of science went into this landing process, superstition on landing night can't hurt.
This is obvious to anyone looking at the numbers who is not blinded by Keynesian superstition.
For ardent believers, arms control is a superstition, impervious to evidence of its futility.
Issues such as fear, ignorance, superstition and cultural biases drive action in ways that defy logic.
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"Whatever your golden superstition is, it's going to fail eventually in baseball, " Teixeira said.
Enlightenment thinkers went further, pushing concepts of good and evil into the realm of superstition.
There could also be the element of superstition involved, and Americans are superstitious lot.
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But when Stefan Kuntz equalised 15 minutes later, the sense of despondent superstition returned.
For example, there is a superstition that if a gecko cries out four times, someone will die.
Clark insists that superstition is false, though she admits that there is still a subtle stigma attached to knitting.
Teixeira finds most players he knows have eschewed superstition in favor of routine.
Like everyone in the village, he had faith in the rituals of superstition.
Ultimately that belief falls into the same category as a superstition, like the evil eye or the tooth fairy.
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Can it avoid the death-trap theory that prosperity causes inflation, a superstition still widespread in our own Federal Reserve Bank?
Lodging in a Lagos slum in 1967, he conveys the misery, terror and superstition on which the packed inhabitants survived.
Georgia is a proudly Christian country, and the significance of wine in religious worship is reinforced by superstition and custom.
They think it is a "barbarous relic, " as John Maynard Keynes described the gold standard, and a superstition rather than an investment.
Even in their enthusiasm there is a mixture of superstition and pessimism.
Superstition, shoddy police work, cultural and actual mistranslation were among those forces.
Until around the Fourteenth Century the Church scolded people who believed in witches and rejected the whole idea as a silly peasant superstition.
And when a player changes his routine and finds success, a new superstition is created as he tries to bottle and reproduce that moment.
Unhappily, the combination of superstition and anthropomorphism skews an otherwise skilful and engaging piece of reporting that raises intriguing questions about man and nature.
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That certainly did not impress Bruce, although the Black Cats manager had to be told what had happened because of a long-standing superstition not to watch penalties.
For them, old units like the pied de Roi (King's Foot) kept people chained to ignorance and superstition, and had to be swept away for Reason to take hold.
Ultimately then, the all-out assault waged by Dawkins and his fellow travelers against the forces of superstition and irrationalism may be thwarted as much by birth rates as beliefs.
The family go to see him perform the Shakespeare play "Macbeth, " but bring him bad luck by saying the play's name aloud -- in defiance of a well-known theatrical superstition.
The souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes on Samhain, leading to the sinister superstition that ghosts, witches, devils, and fairies roamed the earth for that one day.
While education, science and understanding of mysticism have helped me overcome previous inclination to superstition, outsiders need to understand that these beliefs are part of the tenets of African traditional religion and mysticism.
BBC: Most African societies associate a black cat with bad luck