And gamblers are superstitious folk who do not like to remain in one place for long.
It is a fascinating time watching some of the superstitious behaviour in the pre-match build up.
Even Prime Minister Banharn Silapa-archa, known to be very superstitious, is not above the fray.
But there are less superstitious connections between the Super Bowl and stock market performance.
There could also be the element of superstition involved, and Americans are superstitious lot.
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Meantime, he says, he rents to expatriates, who tend to be less superstitious than locals.
WSJ: Hong Kong's Real-Estate Boom Conjures a Scary Development
Some managers might be superstitious and not change anything during a winning streak, no matter how brief.
The people of this superstitious region believe that breaking such an oath would result in instant death.
Some 65% of those polled said they were superstitious, with 33% becoming even more so as exams approach.
But the best reason I can offer for what we did, I freely admit, borders on the superstitious.
While most would deny it, great leaders share a superstitious sense that it is their destiny to succeed.
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" Karl said it's not what coaches typically do but joked that Jackson is "consistent" and maybe "superstitious.
Superstitious fear of a second disastrous crash, seventy years on, might conceivably drive dealers and investors to sell shares.
Voodoo because it is more like a superstitious belief than a rational strategy.
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But in the 20th century many have yet to shake off superstitious notions.
But on Friday July 13--don't the folk who arrange these sorts of thing know how superstitious soccer players are?
"I used that bat all postseason, " he said, adding he wasn't very superstitious.
Superstitious of the birth mark, the French let the man go, Hayes-Bautista said.
Hong Kong is a superstitious place where people regularly put out offerings of food and other gifts for dead relatives.
WSJ: Hong Kong's Real-Estate Boom Conjures a Scary Development
Tell me tonight just before the show starts will you be nervous, do you get nerves, do you do something superstitious?
It is considered terribly bad luck even to touch these volumes, but some of the less superstitious librarians can be persuaded to retrieve them.
"I'm guardedly optimistic that we'll emerge tonight with a good lead, but I'm very superstitious so I'm not predicting anything, " McCain said.
Expect to hear more about these shrewd but superstitious brothers (they consider 13 to be their lucky number and won't fly together).
But with their superstitious ways, Sabathia and Teixeira are exceptions in Yankeeland.
Not that they admit to being superstitious: Bhutanese prefer to think of themselves as being fine-tuned to the invisible forces of nature.
There is not much doubt, for example, that the generals are superstitious.
Ex-President Suharto, the country's deposed ruler, a Javanese, was, and presumably still is, deeply superstitious, being guided by his astrologer in important decisions.
This is despite the fact the craze was largely post-Medieval and for most of the Medieval period belief in witches was dismissed as superstitious nonsense.
Indeed, if superstitious, take into account that Ancient Chinese wisdom advises a Snake in the house because it protects you and and your family from starving.
The announcement comes on an important day for The Times--and no, it's not because of the peculiar date, if you happen to be of a superstitious inclination.