The Fed would use the discount rate rather than the federal funds market to supply or withdraw credit in response to any imbalance between supply and demand for it.
The FERC staff "concluded that an underlying supply-demand imbalance and flawed market design combined to make a fertile environment for market manipulation, " according to a statement summarizing the report.
The rising price of fuel is largely a result of an imbalance between supply and demand.
FORBES: Production Of Iron Ore, Copper, Coal Falling, Is Goldman Sachs Wrong?
This imbalance of supply and demand has compressed vacancy rates and driven up rents nationwide.
"As a result, there's an imbalance between supply and demand, which tends to force prices up, " she adds.
The slower growth also happened during the time when solar manufacturers struggled to reduce production to eliminate an imbalance of supply and demand.
There is such a unique market opportunity created by the stark imbalance between supply and demand that social entrepreneurs have enormous incentive to invest in clean water.
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When I look at the global water crisis purely from a market-driven perspective, I see perhaps the single greatest imbalance of supply and demand that exists in the global marketplace.
FORBES: Investors Are The Key To Solving The World's Water Problems
The impact of this imbalance of supply and demand has affected everyone from industry stalwarts such as First Solar and SunPower to startups such as Solyndra and Abound Solar.
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Plus, the big imbalance of supply and demand for solar panels over the past two years prompted factory closures and bankruptcies, and many more manufacturers are sure to disappear over the next three years.
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When prices for commodities rise, it is usually because of either a change in the cost of bringing the product to market (increasing fuels could do that), the cost of capital, or an imbalance between supply and demand.
FORBES: Production Of Iron Ore, Copper, Coal Falling, Is Goldman Sachs Wrong?
So I partially agree with you, oil prices are climbing in part because of an imbalance in the supply and demand but it also seems clear that there was more than a bit speculation occurring.
Risk spreads could expand in 2011 as more new issues come to market and the imbalance between already strong demand and increasing supply narrows.