He said the league will support laws that bar young athletes from returning to play too soon after a concussion.
The Oklahoma and Colorado legislatures both rejected the code this year, despite the support of their state bar associations.
Arizona's legislature passed the UTC in May 2003 with the support of the state bar, then repealed it unanimously this April amid warnings that trust money would flee the state.
That legal bar also included urging employees to support specific politicians, according to a recent New York Times story.
No one, bar Schumacher, enjoyed watching him having to support "Il Grande Michael" though.
Netanyahu had hoped that his conditional support for Palestinian statehood, and his current willingness to bar Jews from building homes in Judea and Samaria would neutralize US pressure on Israel and facilitate his efforts to convince Obama to recognize and deal rationally with the issue of Iran's nuclear weapons program.
We're also going to be working with groups like the American Bar Association and the National Military Family Association to support your efforts at the grassroots level.
The artist will perform at the Terrace Bar of the House of Commons next month in support of an initiative which aims to raise awareness of community music.
It isn't hard to imagine how handy that multi-user support would be in a retail store setting or even a crowded bar.
ENGADGET: 3M Touch Systems 46-inch Projected Capacitive Display hands-on (video)
In order to provide our customers with a superior user experience over 4G networks, LG will continue to raise the bar on all its mobile products, including accessories that support LTE and VoLTE.
ENGADGET: LG's first VoLTE Bluetooth headset revealed: Tone + packs 'high-quality' audio codec
Deprived of American support, the Afghan forces may again shrink back from rural areas like Bar Adin Kheyl towards the road and towns.
At the same time, we will continue to work with our international partners to end the proliferation trade globally, to bar all proliferators from international financial resources, and to end support for terror.
The American Bar Association's intellectual property law section has also expressed its support.
In a handy bar graph, Moody's makes clear that government "systemic support" is still a significant factor that elevates the credit rating of every big bank in its review.
Lastly, there's a capacitive sensor underneath the keyboard, allowing the laptop's touchpad to be disabled automatically while you're typing. (Naturally, this works best if the trackpad is also made by Synaptics.) The company is also developing a feature in which the space bar could be a touch sensor in and of itself, with support for functions like autocomplete.
ENGADGET: Synaptics enters the keyboard market, announces the ThinTouch keyboard aimed at Ultrabooks