Traders and investors are awaiting the September 6 monthly press conference of European Central Bank president Draghi, at which time he is expected to unveil some new initiatives to support financially troubled EU countries.
For their part, many European countries are committed to support financially the action plan that UNESCO is currently developing for the reconstruction of destroyed heritage and the preservation of manuscripts - a project that Norway also supports.
Another approach would be to support a candidate financially or support a super PAC enormously with great amounts of financials, knowing that you're essentially buying tax relief, that victory in that case would result in a windfall.
Alistair Ross of the DUP wanted confirmation that the minister would continue to support Stranmillis financially ahead of the study.
The men have been abandoned by their families, who can no longer support them financially, and so are dropped off here.
And people in the west, who support him financially, have no choice.
Woman who have the capacity to support themselves financially do not have to stay in a marriage simply because the male is the bread winner.
New technologies, such as the typewriter, allowed many women to support themselves financially for the first time, and many flocked to the cities.
"I have been trying to find a way to support myself financially while allowing me to work on the forest at the same time, " he said.
There are also several other ways to support candidates financially.
Ms Prague told BBC News Online she was in a fortunate position as her parents would do everything to support her financially to help her complete her course.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Med student's debt 'unacceptable'
The tapes, which Medlar says she recorded in the early 1990's to document Cisneros's promise to support her financially, were the subject of an exhaustive three-week hearing on the admissability of the recordings.
We mentor them, support them financially, encourage them to continue their education through high school continuing on through college and the university level into law school or any other professional school and supporting them with respect to this particular pipeline concept.
Yet Tommy is a proud man wanting to support his family financially too - it didn't add up.
These laws secure the right of employees to decide for themselves whether or not to join or financially support a union.
Previously, visa applicants had to show only that their marriage or partnership was genuine and that they could financially support themselves.
Iditariders are fans who bid on a ceremonial sled ride as part of a program which helps to support the race financially.
"The AAW runs at a deficit and we simply don't have the funding available to financially support coaches, " Brace told the South Wales Argus.
For most authors, that uncertainty reaches a whole new level as few can reliably command a large audience keen enough to financially support even one event, let alone a tour.
Does the evidence support the conclusion about financially empowered women?
The WRU claimed at the time that Wales could not support five teams, neither financially nor with playing talent.
In a statement, JJ Gallagher said it sees the rescue centre as "an important entity" and will continue its "longstanding support for it, both financially and operationally".
Companies have a unique opportunity to not just change the conversation, as mentioned above, but also financially and promotionally support the work that is already being done.
He will stress the "importance of maintaining the unity of Iraq, " say that "separate efforts undercut the unity of the country" and that "the Kurdish republic cannot survive financially without the support of Baghdad, " the official said.
One of the reasons that the Reynolds women were so attracted to vanilla is that a single producing vanilla vine can support an entire Haitian family financially for a year, much as a cow might help a poor farmer subsist.
In just a few months, the laws of supply and demand create new products, provide external loss control support for insureds, and may financially incentivize some companies to do the right thing.
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Despite its absence from the ICC, America has done more than most, financially and diplomatically, to establish and support the tribunals for Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone.
ECONOMIST: The worst crimes, the law and the UN Security Council
By picking up the tab for rehabilitation and disability support, the federal government also kept the UMW program financially sustainable.
However, he knows that to achieve this, he will need to become financially stable again, in order to help support his children.
Komen For The Cure for forgetting their mission and the reason so many people have financially supported their efforts and walked so many miles in support.
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