Whether they mean to or not, those who advocate a U.S. policy of passivity in the face of a repressive Iranian government (either today's or tomorrow's) play into the hands of such a regime by supporting a course of action that supports its agenda - not ours.
It is firstly to get the US and its allies to withdraw from the Muslim world (and stop supporting Israel of course) and secondly to remove the Arab rulers he opposes.
It is hard to see any of these operators reversing course and supporting the 700 or the 701 at these launch price levels.
And, of course, those experts are supporting hundreds of thousands of American jobs in a whole variety of sectors ranging from high-tech to soy beans, from aircraft to autos.
The match kicked off and the touchline was crammed with shouting substitutes and managers, supporting family and friends, random observers and of course, the Bangladesh coach and his two assistants.
It is an unenviable dilemma for a President who in his first term tended to steer a middle course on climate and energy issues, sometimes supporting the environmental argument sometimes supporting the economic rationale.
The best course for the outside world is to go on supporting it in those efforts so long as they seem sincere.
For any business not supporting this emphasis, 2013 marks your opportunity to make a swift change of course, or to suffer the consequence.
For example, within the first week of my internship, my fellow interns and I helped clean a local park, and over the course of the term, our service expanded to serving at food banks, supporting the elderly and tutoring schoolchildren.
Of course he could and should endorse the practice of private equity, and the evidence supporting such an endorsement would be the book he wrote.
FORBES: Book Review: Jason Kelly Writes About "The New Tycoons" of Private Equity
Muslim Mafia puts us all on notice: The Council on American Islamic Relations - and, for that matter, other organizations that were, like CAIR, identified last year by the government as associated with the Muslim Brotherhood in the course of the successful prosecution of the Brotherhood's Holy Land Foundation on charges of supporting terrorism - are part of the problem we face from Shariah, not part of the solution.
This, of course, is why Democrats would likely insist on using a tax mechanism as their price for supporting such big Medicare changes.
FORBES: Spending Caps, Medicare Vouchers And Magical Thinking In Washington