They circulated a statement to reporters who are traveling with the president, accusing Congressman Murtha of supporting the policies of filmmaker Michael Moore and being part of the extreme wing of the Democratic Party.
This week's attacks on London, following similar attacks on Madrid in 2004, have raised new questions in Europe about the consequences of supporting US policies in Iraq and in the war on terror.
Bunning called Bernanke a "moral hazard, " accusing him of supporting the "easy money policies of his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, " who made the cover of Time in February 1999, along with then-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and his successor, Lawrence H.
The flirtation with the Republican Party by Smith, a lifelong Democrat -- if done honestly -- might have started a new conversation within black circles about the cost and wisdom of always supporting Democratic candidates and policies.
We stand to gain much by supporting policies that unleash the power of entrepreneurs and developers.
FORBES: To Regain Its Educational Lead, The U.S. Must Look To Entrepreneurs
The foundation, named after late entrepreneur Ewing Marion Kauffman, focuses on promoting the development of companies that supporting entrepreneur-friendly policies.
FORBES: Stanford Accelerator StartX Receives $800,000 Grant From Kauffman Foundation
In 2006, Burk was among a group of Exxon shareholders who accused the company of violating its discrimination policies by supporting the golf tournament.
According to Ageing in the Twenty-first Century: A Celebration and a Challenge, governments will need to adopt a wide range of policies and laws aimed at supporting the elderly and protecting them against discrimination.
FORBES: Why We Need Innovation To Prepare For The Global Aging Society
But in the short run at least, the free-money policies of the Federal Reserve are supporting many blue-state economies.
These would be policies that have maximum chance of supporting demand now, while also improving our long-term supply, and reassuring the markets that you are still committed to cutting government spending.
Directories are a key piece of infrastructure for supporting user management, establishing rules and policies for net resource use, and managing security certificates.
The new focus is less on supporting demand than on policies that increase the job-intensity of the recovery.
For too long, we've seen taxes used as a wedge to scare people into supporting policies that actually increased the burden on working people instead of helping them live their dreams.
We need to create more policies and a cultural shift toward supporting the 57% of our graduates who are women so they can go out and produce the life that I enjoy.
Plus, while policies in the formal economy are relatively strong in terms of supporting families, those in the informal economy remain unprotected.
However, government has a legitimate and vital role to play in supporting an infrastructure encouraging of commerce, setting minimum standards for business conduct, incentivising desirable policies and practices, and penalising those who do not abide by societal norms.
On the Shepherds' side were Mr Brown, and a majority of Labour councillors for east Newcastle who were supporting a planning application which clearly breached existing council policies.
Retooling demands a new CIO mandate: supporting and nurturing nascent and productive work innovations, some of which disrupt long-established IT culture and policies.
The report stresses the importance of adopting policies that provide income security, access to quality health care, and a supporting legal environment for the elderly.
FORBES: Why We Need Innovation To Prepare For The Global Aging Society
Supporting policies that are only superficially in my own interests right now would indulge just the kind of short-sightedness that our friends on the left criticize when they implore us to think of the children.
Russia has achieved this success not by coddling its job creators or by adopting radically free-market and business-friendly policies, but by supporting consumer demand, encouraging consumption, and loosening credit within the confines of its (deeply flawed) preexisting economic structures.
FORBES: Lessons for the United States from Russia's Job Creators
The temptation of governments to support protectionist trade policies at the behest of producer lobbies and at the expense of consumers is a classic example supporting Olson's theories.