At a trade show she had spotted rectangular-shaped eye pillows that supposedly eased stress and lulled insomniacs.
Unlike the broad traits supposedly assessed by personality tests, self-control struck Mischel as potentially measurable.
The dead girlfriend that supposedly inspired throughout his Heisman Trophy run did not exist.
Spain supposedly will formally beg, I mean ask, for their bank bailout as early as Monday.
Ellison has triumphed over bigger foes, and he supposedly wants the cup in his backyard.
Alas, like the supposedly dumb small investor, the pension funds ended up chasing past performance.
Larry Summers, head of the National Economic Council, is supposedly tutoring the President each morning.
How could this be, if everyone with an above-a-room-temperature IQ supposedly favors hip, cool, dense cities?
Under the ACA, DSH payments will go away, because supposedly everyone will be insured.
FORBES: A Great Example Of Why Everyone Should Have Health Coverage
But supposedly, according to people in the know, we're talking about a real acquisition.
Still farther out, supposedly, are whale sharks--at 40 feet long, the largest fish on earth.
The lactic acid in it supposedly helps dissolve dead skin cells and aids cellular regeneration.
Why not look into how much productivity is supposedly lost by bathroom breaks or endless meetings?
In fact, Goldman Sachs has supposedly nudged Facebook to expand the size of the sale.
His weak spots are supposedly money, organization, a flinty personality and past inflammatory comments.
So that's an example of where supposedly the international community has addressed a situation.
He's just so charismatic and alive and, you know, everything America stands for supposedly.
You cannot repeat yourself if you are - quote - a supposedly creative artist.
Hence, all the muttering by the Fed about its goal of a"soft landing"for our supposedly"high-flying"economy.
Housing is making a comeback, supposedly, but the banks don't seem to be mining the trend.
As far as climate benefits, supposedly it generates electricity at 50-55% conversion efficiency.
FORBES: The Economics of Bloom Energy's 'Breakthrough' Fuel Cell
In the message was a link that supposedly connected to an official MTGox chat site.
Persian artisans supposedly wove imperfections into every rug, so as not to tempt the gods.
Memory-Plus, an extract from the supposedly memory-enhancing brahmi plant, is popular among India's overburdened students.
Levine of two years ago to exempt generic drugs from lawsuits over supposedly inadequate warning labels.
FORBES: Supreme Court Protects Generic Drugs, Drug Marketers
But such a trial would also be threatening to the investors who Blodget supposedly harmed.
The SEC and Congress are supposedly conducting widespreadprobes into a litany of analyst practices.
This explains why millions of people remain jobless 2 years after the recession supposedly ended.
FORBES: Hey, Feds, Give Disaster A Chance To Avoid True Financial Apocalypse
By the end of the century, it would supposedly feel like summer in east Texas.
The Japanese bank has supposedly had, until very recently, a zero interest rate policy.