Floridians get stuck with the tab via a 6.8% surcharge on commercial home policies.
" He notes that "ATMs owned by 7-Elevens would not exist if not for the surcharge.
Ultimately, she adds, merchants that adopt a surcharge should "tread lightly" by gauging initial consumer response.
British Airways is increasing its fuel surcharge on long-haul flights because of high oil prices.
Following Sept. 11 the airlines imposed a security surcharge on cargo averaging 15 cents per kilo.
For water customers, utilities calculate the surcharge by applying a percentage increase to billed revenues.
Committee documents say the surcharge would affect only the top 1.2% of wage earners.
Wal-Mart, Target, Sears and Home Depot said they have no plans to add a credit-card surcharge.
The customer could end up paying a transaction surcharge, a la MovieFone, for this broad access.
Nixon, who imposed an across-the-board import surcharge in 1971, was more protectionist than Mr Bush.
Each country would pledge a specified tax (such as a VAT surcharge) to provide the cash.
After Sept. 11, the airlines imposed a security surcharge on cargo that averages 15 cents a kilo.
One plan is to abolish a surcharge imposed on the topping-up of a pre-paid mobile telephone card.
He says the Federal Reserve Board, acting as arbiter of the bank settlement system, should outlaw no-surcharge rules.
Wirral Council introduced a 33% surcharge for coffins more than 29 inches (74cm) wide or 7ft (2.13m) long.
Any settlement that results in the abandonment of the no-surcharge rule would have particular significance to small businesses.
Think about it: We pay package delivery companies a surcharge for the fuel used to transport our packages.
One is an income tax surcharge on millionaire earners and another is a business tax on energy costs.
In contrast, U.S. buyers don't have to pay the surcharge, thanks to a bilateral trade accord with Singapore.
WSJ: Singapore Fee Stings Wealthy House Buyers��Except Americans
Le principal obstacle au bon fonctionnement des sessions en groupe est la surcharge de travail de ses membres.
Until now, the card companies prohibited retailers from adding this type of surcharge.
If a cardholder carries a balance from month to month, the cardholder will also pay interest on the surcharge.
In Congress, Representative Bernard Sanders, a Vermont independent, has introduced federal anti-surcharge legislation.
Some airlines try to pass higher fuel costs on to their customers in the form of a fuel surcharge.
Credit card companies had prohibited merchants from passing on that surcharge, but a ruling this past July changed that.
Politically, signs are pointing toward some kind of surcharge on the million-miles elite.
He said he might add a surcharge for plastic of 2.5% to 3% if his competitors adopt the practice.
WSJ: Visa, Mastercard Agree to $6 Billion Settlement Over Surcharges
And who collects that 10% federal surcharge on the ubiquitous tanning-parlor deals?
What with cover charges, and a music surcharge, a couple of beers or two cappuccinos add up to 40 euros.
OpenTable and Foodline charge for proprietary hardware and software used in the restaurants and also get a per-head transaction surcharge.