"I'm sure everyone at Swansea would definitely want to keep him, " said the 19-year-old Allen.
One easy precaution is to make sure you know where your oysters come from.
We must empower children to speak up and then be sure that their voices are heard.
And we now have those visas for 12 months, so we'll definitely be back, for sure.
I'm not sure where you're trying to go, All I'm saying is that you reach me.
Seattle is famous for its music scene, so be sure to catch a show.
Be sure to visit Occidental Square and Pioneer Square Park before seeking out some breakfast.
Most days he's not even quite sure of the next stop on his frenetic travel schedule.
Make sure to lock the bike carefully by pushing the front wheel into an empty dock.
Also sure to be popular is the Very Street carnival (14 December) in the Wanchai district.
And finally, make sure you get your beauty sleep in before you hit the town.
Make sure that the hand sanitizers got at least 60 percent alcohol in it.
Sure, those democratic states will talk, and bargain, and hog air time on Al-Arabiya.
Upon arrival make sure you join the queue for a delectable country-style bacon and egg roll.
Also make sure to pop into Galerie Xippas, which was restored in 2003.
BBC: In today��s Paris, cutting-edge art, culture and cuisine
I'm not sure that people are doing it, but some parents in Manhattan are doing it.
We spotted the blue flash of a kingfisher, a sure sign that edible fish resided below.
That--I mean, I've never met your neighbor, who I'm sure is a very nice person.
The current out of the Haleiwa Harbor's relentless, so make sure you are in good paddling shape.
They actually have to fill potholes and trim trees and make sure the garbage is taken away.
Brown is concerned less with naming confusion than with making sure his half of Motorola sticks around.
It's not just for a pre-match meal but to make sure we can avoid the holiday traffic.
Instructors made sure to remind the students that the country was still adjusting to having outside visitors.
"I think we've got to utilise it and make sure we're nice and fresh for Oldham, " he said.
At the same time, be sure to preserve the core skills that separate your company from the competition.
We just want to make sure we aren t missing anything, says IRS Commissioner Mark Everson .
If you want to eat or drink during the day, make sure it is in a private place.
Sure enough, seconds later, a bear pads eagerly out of the trees and gets its paws stuck in.
We really need to focus on trying to make sure that people don't stigmatize the community even further.
The sticky mud has been known to swallow whole boots, so be sure to follow Hawkins' instruction closely.