But Wall Street isn't so sure about future sales growth, at least in the short term.
There is a lot she will not be sure about at the subsequent inquiry.
This is a huge factor, and one that we can be quite sure about.
Even creditors are now none too sure about the worth of the ministry's guarantee.
Still, ranchers to the north aren't sure about whether to take on greater numbers of cattle.
"A fastest lap could be possible but I'm not sure about a podium, " the German said.
Share to all the usual suspects in social media, though not sure about Pinterest.
How can voters be sure about what Republicans really believe, other than the importance of winning elections?
Attracted to a stock with a fat dividend yield, but not so sure about the underlying company?
For the first time in years, however, they aren't so sure about prospects for deals out of China.
And whereas health officials may have learnt from their experiences, she is less sure about the fourth estate.
"Diplomatic staff usually enjoy a certain type of immunity, but I am not sure about murder, " he said.
The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything.
Pletcher wasn't sure about future plans for Palace Malice and Verrazano, whose four-race winning streak ended in the Derby.
Still, the call for reforms is not tainted just because it stems from people we are not sure about.
But I'm not quite so sure about another suggestion which has followed the West news, It's Grim Up North.
Not sure about all of this, maybe another conversation with Ian would help.
In a bakery at the route's midpoint, Yaneth Solano said she wasn't so sure about such grand promises anymore.
At first Bay wasn't sure about the idea: Would it be live action?
"I'm not sure about Oracle's strategy (with Raw Iron), " said Gerald Glove, campus support manager for UPS in N.
He wanted to be surer than sure about his ideas on natural selection.
In fact, I asked him to take a couple of days to make sure that he was sure about this.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Resignation of Chief of Staff Bill Daley | The White House
"The most important thing users can do is to not to run attachments you aren't sure about, " said Symantec's Kessner.
"I'm not sure about that, " says Emin, as she takes a seat at the kitchen table in her East London home.
We're not sure about in space, but here on Earth for many people this has been the week of the iPhone.
They support the journey, but are less sure about the final destination.
ECONOMIST: Banning the bomb will be hard, but not impossible
Malaysia and Indonesia look likely to ride out the storm, but many are less sure about the Philippines -- including Filipinos themselves.
No one can be sure about the future course of the world economy, even a few months ahead let alone a year.
If you are not sure about the potential charges for accessing the internet on your phone, please ask your mobile network provider.
As a guess, the iPhone 5, iPad, iPad mini, one or other of the iPods and, well, not sure about the fifth.