Patriots, which are surface-to-air missiles, have been deployed to Turkey to protect the country.
Many items will still be banned from Somalia, including surface-to-air missiles, large-calibre guns, howitzers and cannons.
The Ministry of Defence is considering placing surface-to-air missiles on residential flats during the Olympics.
BBC: London 2012: Missiles may be placed at residential flats
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld ordered Tuesday the air defense systems deployed around Washington armed with surface-to-air missiles.
There are also launchers for surface-to-air missiles, various gun placements, submarine attack torpedoes and two combat helicopters.
The Patriot is an advanced surface-to-air missile system intended to defend against aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles.
Major-General Henry Osman showed a video which he said showed bomb damage on surface-to-air missiles site near Kandahar.
Iran is defended, but mainly by Soviet-era surface-to-air missiles of a kind the Israelis have dealt with before.
However, he said there was no indication that the rebels were armed with heavy weapons or surface-to-air missiles.
When B-1Bs went into action in Kosovo, air force commanders could see Serbian SA-6 surface-to-air missile radars track the planes.
Myers described the cache as consisting of 40 different bunkers with artillery rounds and other munitions, including 50 surface-to-air missiles.
CNN: Rumsfeld disputes report that U.S. wants long-term access to bases
Mr Clerides has already said that, if the Cyprus talks fizzle out, he will deploy Russian surface-to-air missiles next year.
The plane, with the wingspan of a 737, flies pilotlessly at 20, 000 meters--out of range of all but the best surface-to-air missiles.
Hussein launched a policy of challenging enforcement of those zones in late 1998, deploying surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft artillery against the aircraft.
Defense planners had failed to consider the implications of the proliferation of advanced surface-to-air defense systems and modern (late 20th-century) fighter aircraft.
They also found a surface-to-air rocket that could take down a helicopter.
An east London resident wants to take legal action after his apartment complex was earmarked for the use of surface-to-air missiles during the Olympics.
BBC: London 2012: Legal bid over Olympics flats missile plan
Surface-to-air missile sites and fighter aircraft, for example, reveal their location as soon as they switch on their radar transmitters to look for targets.
Two AC-130s have been recently lost - one was shot down by a surface-to-air missile, another crashed in Somalia when, it is thought, a round accidentally exploded.
For example, an attempt to bring down Zia's jet with a surface-to-air missile in 1982 is bungled because the would-be assassin has never used the weapon before.
Meanwhile, a U.S. official said reports that Israel had struck a Syrian research facility were wrong, instead saying warplanes hit only one target: a convoy carrying surface-to-air missiles.
They include allegations the Pakistani intelligence service has backed the Taliban insurgents' fight against the US-led coalition and the Afghan government, and indicate Taliban fighters have acquired surface-to-air missiles.
BBC: Pentagon demands Wikileaks return Afghanistan documents
Gortney said a surface-to-air missile threat would have to be eliminate before pilotless aircraft such as the Global Hawk drone could fly missions to see how successful the strikes have been.
Bunkin, designer of the SA-5 and SA-10 surface-to-air missiles.
The Ministry of Defence is guarding the games with two warships, Typhoon jet fighters, Puma helicopters, and, perhaps most controversially, surface-to-air missiles placed on apartment buildings near the stadium, despite objections from residents.
Combined with its inherent "Stealthy" characteristics, these countermeasures have permitted the SR-71 to survive hundreds of reported attempts by the North Koreans, for example, to destroy it with a variety of advanced surface-to-air missiles.
The unit also found what it said were a number of surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles about 50 yards away, and about 150 gas masks of a higher quality than others left behind by retreating Iraqi troops.
Prosecutors in New Jersey recently used the Patriot Act to convict Yehuda Abraham, whose services were used in a plot to sell shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles to terrorists with the understanding that they were going to be used to shoot down U.S. commercial aircraft.
Powered by a CO2 cartridge that can pretty much reach anywhere in the arena depending on how much pressure you allow to build up between launches (members of the squad told me they're not allowed to aim for the lights), it's basically a surface-to-air missile.
Tappin, the former director of Surrey-based Brooklands International Freight Services and the former president of Kent Golf Society, had previously denied trying to sell batteries for surface-to-air missiles that were to be shipped from the US to Tehran via the Netherlands, claiming he was the victim of an FBI sting.
BBC: Christopher Tappin sentenced to 33 months in US arms case