Facts: Global surface temperature rose about three-fourths of a degree Celsius in the 20th century.
Finally, three major available global surface temperature record sources report a steady-to-cooling trend since 2001.
FORBES: Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change
Presumably a comparatively modest drop in the world's surface temperature would cancel out presumed global warming.
Recent rises in surface temperature have been pinned on rising levels of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide.
As near as anyone can figure, the Earth's surface temperature increased 1 degree Fahrenheit in the 20th century.
The response of surface temperature to an increment of carbon dioxide is logarithmic.
This light is proportional to the surface temperature, so by measuring its brightness a microprocessor can compute the temperature.
The 60-year cycle is particularly easy to observe in significant surface temperature maxima that occurred in 1880-1881, 1940-1941, and 2000-2001.
FORBES: Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change
The earth-shattering news is that the average land surface temperature of the planet is higher than it was 200 years ago.
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If it has an atmosphere like Earth's, with a corresponding greenhouse effect, its average surface temperature would be a balmy 22C.
The current atmosphere that blankets the planet helps to keep the globally averaged surface temperature up to about 15 degrees Celsius.
Marshalled by an astrophysicist, Richard Muller, this group, which calls itself the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature, is notable in several ways.
In 1981, he published the first Goddard Institute Surface Temperature Analysis.
Such differences result from various assumptions regarding unknowns such as changing urbanization and other land use influences that contaminate surface temperature recordings.
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The Lut Desert had the highest recorded surface temperature in five of the seven years, topping out at 159 degrees in 2005.
These cycles have been clearly detected in all global surface temperature records of both hemispheres since 1850, and are also evident in numerous astronomical records.
FORBES: Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change
This would make them whiter so they reflect more sunlight back into space, reducing the sea surface temperature - which is the primary driver of hurricanes.
The average global cloud height is linked to the average global temperature generally, the higher the average cloud height, the higher the average surface temperature, and vice versa.
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"As of a week ago, the ocean surface temperature was a few degrees higher than usual, " Liu said, referring to data collected by a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency satellite.
But careful measurements over four years showed that the planet whips around Alpha Centauri B in just 3.6 days, and is estimated to have a surface temperature of about 1, 200C.
It's unlikely any aliens call Kepler-37b home: it's thought to be rocky, with no atmosphere, and hugs its sun in a 13-day orbit cycle, meaning surface temperature is terribly high.
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They then used that proxy data, which they dubbed the Paleo Index (PI) and compared it to the merged land-ocean surface temperature (MLOST) records developed by the National Climactic Data Center.
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This is the global surface temperature departure from the 1961-1990 average, also from the CRU at East Anglia. (Despite all the climategate hubbub, this is still the reference standard in the business).
Since GISS is all about the surface temperature, that suggests (to rational thinkers at least) that some portion of the surface temperature rise post 1975 is due to pollution controls being enacted.
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But by the Berkeley team's analysis, the global temperature correlates more closely with the state of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) index - a measure of sea surface temperature in the north Atlantic.
The researchers specifically rejected any assumption that the 1995 increase of hurricane activity was related to any global surface temperature increases over the past century that might be ascribed to anthropogenic (man-made) greenhouse gases.
One major unsettled issue in climate science indeed is what this sensitivity is, and several threads of information, including the surface temperature history, and water vapor and cloud data argue Lindzen may be correct.
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However, that conclusion appears to significantly overestimate the volcano signal because the models predicted deep and large cooling spikes associated with eruptions which are observed to be much smaller in global surface temperature records.
FORBES: Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change
Kearns and a team of scientists led by Alan Strong of NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service analyzed sea surface temperature data from the agency's polar-orbiting satellites from 1984 through 1996.
After all, it seems pretty logical that they should be enhanced by global warming, as the thermal source that they convert to destructive kinetic energy is the heat of the ocean, which should go up with the surface temperature.
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