If there's one thing New York doesn't suffer from, its a surfeit of quality bakeries.
Any reputational damage from a shortage, or surfeit, of cash lies with the central bank.
ECONOMIST: The business of printing money thrives on financial crises
Mitt Romney is not exactly enjoying a surfeit of enthusiasm for his candidacy as it is.
You and I, by the way, are paying for this surfeit of backward-leaning mediocrity.
FORBES: How to Prevent a Student Loan Debacle. And Save Education in the Process.
But the surfeit of regasification capacity has created opportunities to divert cargoes to the most lucrative market.
Surfeit, in other words, rears its head, and one feels like a stricken character in an H.
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The surfeit of sports data makes it easy to distinguish between bargain-priced players and underachievers with bloated salaries.
At the same time the anti-globalisation and green movements have stirred a consumer backlash against a surfeit of choice.
There's a surfeit of eligible women, matchmakers say, and that changes the economics.
The surfeit of strikers leaves Darren Bent little option but to search for a move away from north London.
It's just one of a surfeit of unusual travel pillows for sale now.
Given a surfeit of green PR bunkum, it is not easy to know whether they mean what they say.
The Pakistanis, for example, have a surfeit of energy resources, notably huge untapped reserves of natural gas, coal and oil.
For investors seeking ways to hedge against a surfeit of money, consider owning Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF and Origin Agritech Ltd.
Inside the government, a lively argument is going on about whether a surfeit of numerical targets can have perverse effects on policy.
For some reason, the neighborhood has a surfeit of pasticcerie (pastry cafes).
The trouble is, they may find that their putative clients have been spoilt by a surfeit of luxuries, with their bankers' compliments.
Add some gritty atmosphere, a surfeit of snappy dialogue, a dash of gunplay, and we've got cinema that leaves us wanting more.
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Despite the surfeit of players pushing 40, the NBA's current elderly have a ways to go to catch the game's all-time senior citizens.
Whether we need this stuff remains arguable, but it certainly thickens the surfeit of half-satisfied desires that were already boiling away inside the movie.
With factories revolutionized, with shelves groaning under the weight of a surfeit of goods, stores for the first time let Americans buy on credit.
It has also led to a massive surfeit of CO2 emissions permits, pushing the price of carbon, and therefore the cost of coal production, sharply lower.
BBC: Coal resurgence calls undermine clean energy commitments
And a surfeit of plummy accents can deter talented applicants.
At some point, perhaps soon, and perhaps as a consequence of Asian investors feeling that they have a surfeit of Japanese stock exposure, yen appreciation will give way to depreciation.
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Over the past year the intermittently profitable Santa Clara, California computer maker has moved from quoting traditional pricing-per processor for hardware, per user for software-toward a surfeit of new choices.
Over the past year the intermittently profitable Santa Clara, Calif. computer maker has moved from quoting traditional pricing--per processor for hardware, per user for software--toward a surfeit of new choices.
In the end, though, the movie's flaws don't matter all that much, for "Hitch" is a rare studio film that's bursting with a surfeit of ambition, a surplus of good ideas.
She peered at the parents, imagining their hearts like machines, manufacturing surfeit upon surfeit of love for their children, and then wondered how something could be so awesome and so utterly powerless.
There's already a surfeit of computerized English instructional aids for the classroom, but most lack the cultural touchstones and relevance needed to engage kids, says Ooi, who is an adviser to the Web project.
But the result is a surfeit of rather flat news stories and the book only really comes to life with the last two sections, perhaps because the follies of dotcom valuations and subprime loans seem so fresh in the memory.