Emergency general surgery and emergency orthopaedics will be based at the Conquest Hospital in Hastings.
She had emergency surgery to remove the harpoon and is expected to make a full recovery.
So Quinton went on to face over five weeks of treatment, including emergency surgery.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Joplin High School Commencement Ceremony | The White House
It was has now been released following emergency surgery to remove part of the bolt.
One of them had emergency surgery following the shooting in Oldpark Road on Friday evening.
The next day that patient needed emergency surgery in hospital for a gangrenous appendix.
The swan underwent emergency surgery to remove part of the bolt which had snapped off inside its body.
It is hoped that regulators will be able to assess ailing banks quickly and then perform emergency surgery.
On Monday, Mr Banda said that the president's health had suddenly deteriorated and he had undergone emergency surgery.
That night she experienced a sudden health issue and went into emergency surgery.
He had suffered extensive bleeding to the brain and underwent life-saving emergency surgery.
The hospital will continue to carry out non-emergency surgery, with Belfast's hospitals expected to send more patients there for treatment.
He was taken to the University Hospital of North Staffordshire, which was just 500 yards away, and underwent emergency surgery.
Emergency surgery for children won't move from Shrewsbury until 2014 when a new unit at the Princess Royal is completed.
He was admitted to hospital where he underwent emergency surgery and it was discovered the cancer had spread to his lungs.
Then, in September, Burlew sliced his thumb open on a piece of broken glass, severing tendons and requiring emergency surgery.
Sussex Police said he was taken to the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton for emergency surgery but was pronounced dead later.
Italian media reported Sunday night that surgeon Igor Rossello was pleased with the outcome of the emergency surgery on the F1 star.
Kadish was taken to Providence Holy Cross Medical Center, where he underwent more than six hours of emergency surgery for his abdominal wounds.
If the ectopic pregnancy is causing heavy bleeding or the fallopian tube has ruptured, you might need emergency surgery through an abdominal incision (laparotomy).
Bhutto was rushed to the hospital and taken into emergency surgery.
He went on to have emergency surgery for a blocked intestine.
"The guy collapsed and was rushed into emergency surgery, " he says.
In 2011, Ironman winner Normann Stadler underwent emergency surgery to repair an enormous aortic aneurysm, a condition not caused but very possibly aggravated by endurance athletics.
The proportion of people who died within 30 days of emergency surgery ranged from 3, 936.31 per 100, 000 patients in Barnsley to 1, 589.66 per 100, 000 patients in Croydon.
Earlier, the hospitals' crisis was described as being at "melting point" following the cancellation of all non-emergency surgery at Craigavon Area Hospital due to record bed shortages.
Emergency surgery was needed on the male swan's injured lung.
He was taken to hospital but died despite emergency surgery.
However, he added that whatever happened, several essential services had to remain local to the area, including an accident and emergency department, emergency surgery and maternity and children's care.
He also told of an incident where emergency surgery had been delayed for up to a day because a bed could not be found for the seriously ill patient.