This compares to another group of 24 patients, who did not receive the surgical operation, where only three died.
BBC: Doctors back 'controversial' operation
In 1867, Joseph Lister performed the first surgical operation under antiseptic conditions on his sister Isabella, at Glasgow's Royal Infirmary in Scotland.
CNN: Wednesday,
But Stephen Dorrell MP, chair of the Health Select Committee, told the Today programme's Sarah Montague when there is a clinical need for the faulty implant to be removed, making the woman go through a second surgical operation is "bad medicine".
BBC: NHS breast implant policy 'bad medicine'
Dr Jon Jones, who led the surgical team that carried out the operation, said existing drugs could be used to fight off rejection.
BBC: Hand transplant 'a success'
Phillip Sommerich had an ileostomy operation 18 months ago - a surgical procedure which links the end of the small intestine to an opening in the abdomen, and began to receive calls from suppliers who asked him whether it was time for him to order more equipment.
BBC: Medical companies 'waste money' on needless equipment