The mean survival time from diagnosis to death is 18 months for most pancreatic cancers.
They found no difference in survival time between hospice and non-hospice patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.
The data show that, after failure of second-line chemotherapy, lung-cancer patients rarely get any added survival time from further treatments and often suffer significant side effects.
Sixty-three per cent of doctors overestimated survival time.
The technology of immunotherapy, namely Provenge at this time, affords my patients 4 months increased MEDIAN (not average) survival time over the best known chemo regimen, without the morbidity of the side effects of chemotherapy.
Originally intended to furnish Apple's corporate museum, the materials were donated to Stanford in 1997 after Steve Jobs' return to the company, which was most concerned with financial survival at the time.
ENGADGET: Stanford archives provide rare glimpse into Apple's early days as mere seedling (video)
The study was designed to measure progression-free survival, which is a measurement of the time from the start of treatment until the disease gets worse or the patient dies, and overall survival, which is a measurement of time from the start of treatment until death.
In 1969, Dr. Philip Blaiberg died in South Africa, 19 months and 15 days after receiving a heart transplant, a survival record at the time.
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is out some time next year.
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Since some CML patients live a long time, testing for survival would be difficult.
Survival might build confidence, and time to turn things around.
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Health Concern has defied the political obituary writers before, but this time it is fighting for survival at county level.
Given the acute stress in money markets, however, the accent for the time being is more on survival than grabbing opportunities.
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Doctors say that most of these tumors are a pretty nasty variety, but some are less so, and if you can get them in time, your chances of survival go way up.
Factory owners have been doing such things for survival ever since Frederick W. Taylor invented time-and-motion studies more than a century ago.
The pressures working against survival in this market are severe, and time constraints to produce an enormous amount of copy in any given week are rarely flexible.
FORBES: Why Scientists and Journalists Don't Always Play Well Together
And today, because of that work, the number of women getting regular mammograms has dramatically increased, and the five-year survival rate when breast cancer is diagnosed in time is 98 percent -- and that's compared to 74 percent in the early 80s.
But if it's just survival then I'll see you at Christmas time or something.
Mr Bridger spent a lot of time outdoors participating in what he called survival and bush craft.
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However, after following patients for a longer period of time, Provenge did seem to extend survival "It's hard to fake that, " Petrylak said.
In a tougher measure of efficacy that takes into account how long patients lived, called progression-free survival, Thalomid more than doubled the length of time patients lived, to 57 weeks.
That being said, while a dilution of shareholder equity may seem less than ideal to current investors, it will ensure the survival of the company (at least for the time being).
In a time that promises to test our business survival skills like no other, the challenges ahead for human resources, talent management, and community relations can feel endless and mind-numbing especially when generational change at the management level is factored in.
That has led, over a long period of time, to far better cure and survival rates for cancer, for heart disease, than we have in Britain and ultimately we have to not worry so much about the system as do we actually give people in Britain the health care we deserve, and that's what I want to see.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with shadow health secretary Liam Fox
Over time he increased patients' five-year survival rate in the same population to 70%.
"The longer the time goes on, the less chance of survival, " said Cindi West with the King County Sheriff's Office.
At a time in America when leaders are focusing on survival and reinvention, they should also be paying attention to their legacy.
For that reason, for his own political survival and because the United States is still giving him time, Mr Olmert is likely to fight on.