They live in the factory's dormitory, and survive on food deliveries brought in by boat.
Then there's the classic small brush moustache, apparently struggling to survive on the lip.
Or stuck in a part-time job they can't survive on, unable to get any more hours.
The challenge is already clear: survive on razor-thin margins, or find some way to add value.
Those that cannot survive on their internal cash flow must seek it from other firms.
Friends is an American sitcom about six friends struggling to survive on their own in Manhattan.
ENGADGET: Friends: The Complete Series Blu-ray set arrives November 13th for just under three bills
Robert Eaton, who took over Mr Iacocca's job, knew that Chrysler could not survive on its own.
In most cases, a country must learn to live with and survive on its own water resources.
"These are microbes that can survive on the energy from the natural water-rock interactions, " he told BBC News.
It will take months to sort this mess out--and to know if Merck can survive on its own.
Mercedes doesn't want it, and it can't survive on its own in the toughest market in the world.
Bayer was forced to recall Baycol, leading to speculation that its drug division cannot survive on its own.
However, whether or not their economies survive on their own will depend on their adherence to laissez-faire principles.
Living out in the wilderness you cannot survive on your own, you have to work as a team.
Of course, many American households struggle to survive on minimum-wage jobs with employers who do them few favours.
But as you look into it, you discover that it's extraordinarily difficult to survive on a raw food diet.
Zimbabweans have been reduced to subsistence (some survive on roots and berries), barter, and remittances and handouts from abroad.
They work seasonally to pick and pack fruit and said they could no longer survive on their previous wages.
Furthermore, a common currency cannot survive on the long term if it is not backed by a political union.
FORBES: It's Not That the Euro Will Fail, It's That It Should Fail
Because you may have to survive on your own for several days, which means having your own food, water and other supplies.
No teleprompters and no ability to survive on 30 second hope and change filled one-liners would be allowed to shape this debate.
FORBES: Why Leadership Matters, And Why Jim Lehrer Deserves Our Thanks
But unlike Qwest, Verizon is healthy enough to survive on its own.
But do you sit and wallow in what could have been and complain that unemployment compensation is not enough to survive on?
But if it is to survive on its own--and Europe's economy is to continue to grow--it needs to keep moving those hydrocarbons west.
Take, for example, Randy Shepherd, a 36-year-old father of three who has reached the end of his ability to survive on a pacemaker.
Built over a fetid Georgia swamp, Andersonville held 30, 000 miserable souls struggling to survive on meager rations of raw cornmeal and uncooked bacon.
That means the U.S. economy has to survive on consumers who are earning maybe a penny more an hour, if lucky, and deleveraging.
It follows the acceptance last year by North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust that it was not strong enough to survive on its own.
This instrument monitors high-energy radiation considered to be a health risk to astronauts and a factor in whether microbes could survive on Mars' surface.
ENGADGET: Curiosity rover finds radiation levels on Mars are safe for humans
And MRSA, (a staph bacteria resistant to common antibiotics) can be present and survive on surfaces for up to 8-9 days based on studies.