Suspended animation also has a role in the growth of normal cells, Dr Roth says.
In L.A., it's because you're in suspended animation somewhere along the Santa Monica Freeway.
The new suspended animation treatments take the opposite tack, slashing our oxygen needs to help us through a crisis.
The patient was then transferred to a local mortuary where Suspended Animation was set up to complete the next step in the process.
In reality, three hours is the upper limit for how long a body can remain in suspended animation and still return to normal function.
Its membership bid is currently in a form of suspended animation.
So, the question is: how much more negative will the Fed be able to send interest rates before the bond vigilantes wake up from their suspended animation?
Low doses of hydrogen sulphide, a gas which smells like rotten egg, can safely reduce the metabolism of mice, putting them into a state of suspended animation.
ECONOMIST: Researchers find hydrogen sulphide can lower metabolism
Ms. BEAUGEZ: Actually, we're in what we call suspended animation.
Science fiction writers tell us about astronauts put into suspended animation on long trips to the stars, their metabolism slowed to a crawl to reduce food and oxygen requirements.
Those most deeply involved are in a state of nerve-wracking suspended animation until the ruling drops, constantly scouring Twitter for rumours of rumours and Scotusblog for facts.
Writing in the Times, former Labour foreign secretary David Miliband warns that the UK cannot afford five years of "suspended animation" and that referendums are often "boltholes for leaders who feel weak".
"You get a state of suspended animation and the creatures do not pass away, and that's the basis of what we see as an alternative way to think about critical care medicine, " Roth says.
CNN: Scientists hope work with poison gas can be a lifesaver
And that distinction between a common currency and shared economic governance, coupled with continued political sovereignty is now proving to be a Frankenstein that is putting the world economy into a state of suspended animation.