The mobile phone number of the man we are supposed to meet here is suspiciously engaged.
The latest showpiece for computer animation, with all the contoured, suspiciously gleaming perfection that this entails.
Sara Netanyahu regarded Bennett and Shaked as suspiciously ambitious, and made their lives impossible.
Gamers and developers are far too often eyeing one another suspiciously or with downright hostility.
On top of that, Haigh says, many hearings so far have suspiciously become pro-pipeline pep rallies.
FORBES: Environmentalists Join The 'Occupy Wall Street' Fray
Al-Alam beamed suspiciously instantaneous accounts of the contretemps to viewers in Iraq and elsewhere.
Keeping track of your customers' typical order sizes will make suspiciously large orders stand out.
But this looks suspiciously like a crock of gold at the end of some global rainbow.
Three major groups have watched each other suspiciously: Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs and Kurds.
NPR: Violence Plagues Iraq, Despite Constitution Breakthrough
But LG's forthcoming TM910 Smartphone contains a PDA that looks suspiciously like a Palm device--but isn't.
He claims he shot Martin in self-defense after Zimmerman saw the teenager acting suspiciously in the neighborhood.
It all sounds suspiciously like the subprime mortgage boom, when banks parked illiquid assets in off-balance-sheet vehicles.
He eyed me suspiciously, but I could tell that he wanted me to pay attention to him.
We were relieved to finally get a reservation at a motel, although the price was suspiciously low.
FORBES: Preparing a Business for Natural Disaster: What I Wish I'd Done
Run Jelly Bean on the S III and it retakes the lead, however, with a suspiciously spectacular 1781.
FORBES: Links 17 Sept: Has Apple's iPhone Really Sold Out And Other News
If our mother noticed something awry in her suspiciously tidy yet reeking kitchen, she gave no sign of it.
The defence is trying to show that Djindjic and his associates had a suspiciously close relationship with the gang.
Granted, 3.2 megapixels seems suspiciously low for the notoriously pixel greedy Samsung.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 tablet sports WiFi and 3G data, about as thick as an iPhone?
But on 3 June he was spotted acting suspiciously by an officer in the city centre and was arrested.
Previous studies have hinted at the existence of medium black holes, fingering star clusters with suspiciously large masses.
That may seem suspiciously overconfident, but Dr Pepperberg certainly obtained some striking results.
But clearly the jinx is broken, unless this suspiciously warm and pleasant Sri Lankan craftsman is playing a deeper game.
The results of Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, are also suspiciously over-accurate by the tenets of modern statistics.
How many of us have been viewed suspiciously because we were challenging the status quo or not playing by the rules?
The Neumann advertisements have dovetailed, in a suspiciously neat way, with ads paid for by the Republican Party's national campaign committee.
But meanwhile, judges in Owensboro started complaining about people who came into court with divorce and other papers that looked suspiciously well-prepared.
FORBES: Non-Lawyers Find It Hard Avoid Breaking Bar's Vague Rules
There are some 600 Web sites that look suspiciously like illegal pyramid storefronts, according to a Federal Trade Commission survey last year.
They are right now very much liking the pop gotten by Web publisher Demand Media, home of the suspiciously product-specific articles.
Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi is reported as saying that two white men were seen acting suspiciously in Soweto shortly before the explosions.
Det Insp David Wagstaff appealed for anyone who saw Ms Monkhouse before she died, or anyone acting suspiciously nearby, to come forward.