That information will help you suss out how capable she is of handling all the responsibilities on her plate.
Perhaps more interestingly, Automatic can also suss out the reason behind a check engine light along with an appropriate course of action.
ENGADGET: Automatic Link connects phone and car for better driving, we go hands-on (video)
Underneath the decals, the Fashion Enforcers squad is the confident new Mercedes sedan, on a mission to suss out the fashionable New Yorkers.
And security auditors will be able to download those hacks en masse to perform tests that suss out vulnerabilities in every cranny in their network.
Strachey is hired by the concerned pals of a man named Bill Moore, who lives in the Berkshires, to suss out his suspiciously slick, much-younger groom-to-be.
Of course, these search engine hacking tools could also be used by malicious hackers trying to suss out vulnerabilities in a target or strafe the Internet for new victims.
FORBES: Researchers Will Turn Google And Bing Into Web Bug Warning System
The folks that brought animated cat ears to the human race is now using NeuroSky's brainwave-reading headgear to suss out your emotional state and share it with your friends.
ENGADGET: Neurowear wants to read your mind, geotag your feelings (video)
We'll try to suss out the details for more.
ENGADGET: Microsoft and Samsung demo Illumiroom display, fills room with images (video)
As ALT Systems president Jon Guess laughingly explained, it provides clients "one neck to wring" should things go wrong, rather than dev studios having to suss out hardware issues on their own.
To suss out the characteristics of the most-compelling television ads, Harvard Business School professor Thales Teixeira conducted a series of experiments, in conjunction with the MIT Media Lab and Affectiva, a local emotion-tracking software company.
We challenge you to explore every souk, suss out every bargain and still stay under the excess baggage cut-off for your flight home - we have been trying for years and reckon it is not possible.
Whether a Cuomo-like leader can suss out the core concerns of a sufficient number of legislators to meet the looming deadline in Minnesota with a budget no one likes but everyone can live with is the question that should be front and center in the minds of both political parties.
FORBES: Breaking Budget Impasse With a "Core Concern" Analysis
Here to help us suss it out is Mike Gerhardt, a professor of Constitutional Law at UNC Chapel Hill.
Even though it's nowhere near cheap, that doesn't mean the SUB 25 can't present value to well-heeled bassheads, and we'll try to suss that out over the coming weeks.