Most computer operating systems and software in Swahili-speaking areas are in English or French.
On his 2005 album, Ceasefire, Jal raps in four languages: Arabic, English, Swahili and Nuer.
He posted the message, which begins with a greeting in Swahili, on YouTube.
"It's a great validation of the community and charitable work we do, " he told BBC Swahili TV.
Other factors that make "Hatari" particularly thorny to navigate: jangly strumming, jarring cuts, found-sound epilogues, Swahili lyrics.
In one district, 1, 800 young herders have so far been taught basic literacy, Swahili, English and maths.
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Swahili day beds piled with hand-woven pillows and draped with romantic netting front wooden balconies, all with similarly cinematic views.
Traditionally the Orma are pastoralists, Bajun and Swahili are fishermen and farmers, the Sanye and Aweer are hunters and gatherers.
This support enhanced Col Ojukwu's popularity in East Africa and the conflict captivated the region, says BBC Swahili Service analyst Idd Seif.
The Wangwana, the Swahili-speaking blacks from Zanzibar he engaged as his porters, responded by loyally agreeing to serve him again and again.
In many villages people speak Kinyarwanda rather than the lingua franca, Swahili.
Microsoft announced plans in June for a Swahili version of its Windows operating software to cater for a growing number of users in Africa.
His self-styled journey of discovery included stories on endangered lemurs of Madagascar, dying Arabic-Swahili music styles in Tanzania and bungee jumping over the Zambezi River in Zambia.
But voting was largely on ethnic and linguistic lines, with the Swahili-speaking east voting for Mr Kabila and the Lingala-speaking west largely rejecting him.
Swahili is spoken in many African nations, including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique and parts of the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes region.
"Wageuzi is Swahili, it means 'transformers, '" explains creator Andrew Kaggia, 25.
Hilborn and a colleague spent the next several weeks sorting through these yellowed papers, which wasn't easy because a lot of them were handwritten in Swahili.
In 2007, Safaricom launched M-Pesa (M for mobile and Pesa- a Swahili word for money) which lets users deposit, transfer and withdraw funds via text message.
He said the aim of the project is to eventually have Swahili language software operating on thousands of computers at grass roots levels, including primary schools and universities.
Ushahidi (testimony in Swahili) is an open platform for anyone looking to gather data specifically around human rights crisis situations and visualize it on a map or timeline.
On August 28th, Somalia became the latest African country to offer local access to the Internet, and for the first time surfers can use the net in Swahili.
The sole inclusions from sub-Saharan Africa are Swahili and Afrikaans.
Most of the books on Worldreader Mobile are in English, with a few in local languages like Swahili, French and Spanish, though the number of books overall is increasing.
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Knowing that I might be one of very few Swahili speakers around and how destitute she may feel about that I impatiently waited in front of the theatre in Wroclaw before her performance.
"Everyone is free to use it, but our efforts are to get it into the schools - that is where the next generation of Swahili speakers will be, " Mr Escudero Pascual told BBC News.
Odiambho Joseph, from the BBC's Swahili service, says banditry has been on the increase recently and in the last year several Kenyan policemen have been attacked and killed by suspected Islamist militants from Somalia.
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Since both men are from Lingala-speaking western Congo, they may succeed in adding a chunk of western votes to Mr Kabila's Swahili-speaking eastern support (the voting in July was mainly on ethnic and linguistic lines).
Parents stop using traditional tongues, thinking it will be better for their children to grow up using a dominant language (such as Swahili in East Africa) or a global one (such as English, Mandarin or Spanish).