Khan's punishing jab comes in a flash and he can unleash a swarm of stinging blows in a nanosecond.
He says he had a long conversation with Snabe from outside a hotel on the big island of Hawaii, standing near a dumpster surrounded by a swarm of bees.
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One of the world's most photographed women, her arrival attracted a swarm of paparazzi at a courthouse whose most glamorous work usually consists of dealing with parking fines.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Paris Hilton gets 45 days in jail
When there is a football terrace full of the instruments, the sound has been likened to a swarm of angry wasps.
As should be no surprise, there has been a swarm of commentaries, blog posts and Tweets.
Americans have started to connect a swarm of dots, revealing politics as the pattern.
Robert Mood told a swarm of reporters in Damascus on Sunday, shortly after arriving in the country.
One person described the hacking as a swarm of relatively unsophisticated but persistent attempts to gain access.
The track opens with understated vocals and drums, but eventually bursts into a swarm of piano, horns and guitar.
Gallup's honeypot has attracted a swarm of competitors, among them Development Dimensions International, Hewitt Associates and International Survey Research.
What's really new here is the way traffic will behave almost biologically, like a swarm of bees, a self-educating network.
CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car
It's like a swarm of flies with no real leaders, rather than a colony of ants all reporting back to the queen.
Dr. Kennett's argument is that a swarm of meteorites punched through the atmosphere and caused a vast conflagration, filling the air with dust and soot.
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The stringy branches floated in a cool breeze, while the leaves, like a swarm of arrowheads, flickered in the soft rays cast by the street lights.
Not so long ago an Internet venturelet like Otrib might have seen a swarm of venture capital firms, or at least some commercial banks offering high-priced loans.
She said they came into her home "like a swarm of locusts" and moved valuables - including irreplaceable photo albums - out of reach of the floodwater.
This dieting system has real staying power, as fad diet after fad diet (like the low-carb Atkins) attracts a swarm of acolytes--only to leave them disillusioned a few years later.
Atiq Shaukat flails about him with his whip, trying to force a passage through the ragged crowd swirling around the stalls in the market like a swarm of dead leaves.
The High-Powered Microwave, as it is called, is reported by Aviation Week to be powerful enough to disable all of the motors in a swarm of up to 30 speedboats.
How is it that a swarm of people who lack any sort of hierarchy or control structure can be so successful in collectively maneuvering a Pong paddle to hit the ball?
Dime-size flies had moved in, a swarm of them in the heat, and a few of the neighboring stray dogs sat in the shade on the perimeter, waiting to clean up.
Despite a swarm of law enforcement, he managed to speed off in the truck -- but after spiking his tires, authorities were able to detain him without a scuffle by 9 p.m.
The Levy case generated a swarm of media coverage in 2001 and 2002, in part because it was revealed that she had had an affair with Gary Condit, then a U.S. congressman from California.
By releasing a swarm of trained moths over a minefield, and observing where they stuck their tongues out, it should be possible to locate mines without risk either to people or to expensive mine-detecting machinery.
By deploying a swarm of different algorithms that include carbon, water, GHG, and other pertinent data, we can run regressions and other analyses to pick the behaviors and actions that will result in more sustainable ends.
The Welsh side were ultimately thwarted by Ulster bravery and no little cunning - with the ball often ripped from the attacker's grasp - and a swarm of tacklers when the ball did reach the backs.
Training on the first evening lasted a mere 45 minutes (although it was enthusiastically monitored, like their every other move, by a swarm of locals) and the following day's breakfast was served at one in the afternoon.
Ian Bay, who was skateboarding through Civic Center Park when shots erupted, said he was listening to music on his headphones when he looked to his right and saw a swarm of hundreds of people running at him.
As a skeleton key for the Internet, Google in five years has grown from an academic exercise in search of better ways of finding stuff on the Web into a prodigious advertising business beloved by users, sought by a hundred thousand advertisers, coveted by Wall Street and envied--or reviled--by a swarm of rivals.
"You can see a few almost every clear dark night if you look long enough, but periodically the Earth passes through a dense swarm of these particles which have only recently come from their parent comet, giving what we call a meteor shower, " he said.