Like recovering junkies, some hopelessly addicted collectors have no choice but to swear off their habits forever.
"I don't normally swear, but on this occasion an expletive came out, " said Mr Evans.
Although some might swear by these remedies, scientific evidence of their safety and effectiveness is lacking.
It's a difference anyone can appreciate, even people who swear they're not display snobs.
But those who bike to work swear by the financial rewards and health benefits.
Distraught by the memory, Azucena makes Manrico swear to take revenge on the Count di Luna.
Surrounded by the lush Green Mountains, you'll swear you're in a setting that's make believe.
"Look at him, look at him, you would swear he was sleeping, " Mohammed said.
The cardinals swear an oath as they are casting their ballot -- further discouragement.
Fevicol since then has become synonymous with glue and Indian carpenters swear by it.
"They'd get angry, swear and start kicking stuff around, " Yuen says with a laugh.
Plus, it compels both sides to swear they are telling the truth about their finances.
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Lastly, swear words are probably most often used when stress and tension is high.
Some swear by the original cast of Saturday Night Live, yet I favor the Eddie Murphy years.
Many of these announcements came at a ceremony on January 8th to swear in the new cabinet.
It seems absurd but, over time, I swear she could read my intentions, or perhaps my emotions.
Mr. VERRALL: But the people still swear by putting it on your blueberries, and it works great, so.
He has also made Randy White swear not to defend the janitor in case anything happens to him.
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In corners of the job market, such as media and technology, candidates and recruiters swear by Twitter's value.
No, not General Motors, but Toyota, whose vehicles jump off the lot because consumers swear by their quality.
Presentation ceremonies are performed daily and recipients must swear an oath to the Queen and the Lord Mayor.
Either Barack or I will raise our hand and swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
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Witnesses in trials swear under oath to 'tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
He said he was concerned by the swear words used by police and their behaviour towards his neighbour.
Local mayors on the French side swear they will bar the heavier trucks when the tunnel reopens in September.
"I swear I had people offering to bake me cookies if they could get on the system, " he said.
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Again, researchers found liberal use of swear words to be a key factor in a city's overall happiness score.
Were Americans at large to be as accommodating as we swear we are, the nation might do so well.
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But parents who have successfully used allergy medicine to help children sleep swear by it, albeit in hushed tones.
"There were some guys who were about 100 meters away or so, and they were like, 'SWEAR TO ME!'"
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