Distraught by the memory, Azucena makes Manrico swear to take revenge on the Count di Luna.
Either Barack or I will raise our hand and swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
"There were some guys who were about 100 meters away or so, and they were like, 'SWEAR TO ME!'"
WSJ: A Superheroic Caped Crusade to Keep Troops Safe in Afghanistan
Until your T3 levels come back to normal- I swear to God that the liquid form of Carnitine clears up endometriosis.
So critical was the Norden bombsight that its operators had to swear to protect it at all costs from falling into the hands of the enemy.
The idea was that forcing the boss to swear to his numbers would make him take his duties more seriously and thus help to restore investor confidence.
Translated: Next time, I swear to God, I'll dump every last tech stock I own the very second I overhear water-cooler speculation about when Nasdaq will overtake the Dow.
At the town hall in Huntsville, we fill out forms that swear to our single state and we make an appointment to be married by a justice of the peace.
From across the United Kingdom, the police family gathered in Manchester - an act of solidarity between colleagues and recognition of the risks all officers swear to accept whenever they wear the badge.
In a court proceeding, do you assume some trivial responsibility when you raise your right hand, and swear to God to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
They swear to us this is a business story that they've working on about the price of hops, going up and maybe your six pack, but they've been weaving around the office for about the past week.
Swear to never Photoshop its own models.
FORBES: The Opportunity for Dove to Get Real With Its Branding
Our real focus should be on the candidates and their views on the issues, because one of them will stand before the nation and take the oath of office and swear to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States.
CNN: Commentary: Listen to the candidates, not their associates
"We promise and swear to observe with the greatest fidelity and with all persons, clerical or lay, secrecy regarding everything that in any way relates to the election of the Roman pontiff, " the cardinals said under the looming fresco of Michelangelo's Last Judgment.
Of course Mr Robinson, having been in the "No" camp in 1998, feels no need to swear fealty to the Good Friday Agreement.
BBC: Referenda still on the agenda on both sides of the border
Whereas Mr Sharif and Ms Bhutto packed the supreme court with their supporters, General Musharraf sacked half its judges for refusing to swear allegiance to him.
If he ever became king, and therefore head of the established church, Prince Charles would have to swear an oath to defend its teachings, including those condemning divorce and remarriage.
Been dating for decades and ready to tie the knot no matter who you have to swear your life away to?
He has also made Randy White swear not to defend the janitor in case anything happens to him.
NPR: Excerpt: 'The Mysterious Secret of the Valuable Treasure'
Again, researchers found liberal use of swear words to be a key factor in a city's overall happiness score.
There can be a non-English Archbishop of Canterbury as long, at the present time, as long as that person can swear allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen because of the nature of the establishment.
New members are now required only to swear by Almighty God that they will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and her heirs and successors.
As the calendar turns to March and April, Louisville players attempt to swear off convenient restaurants like McDonald's and Qdoba, and visits to Waffle House drop from "two or three times a week" to once a month, said Louisville walk-on Jordan Bond.
WSJ: Louisville: Winning With a Helping of Grease and Sugar��NCAA Tournament
She was happy to finally swear off the three daily pumping sessions that allowed her to keep her baby off formula after her maternity leave ended.
Lemon replies: "I'll go to cable where you can swear and really take time to let moments land, " at which point the scene abruptly shifts.
Like recovering junkies, some hopelessly addicted collectors have no choice but to swear off their habits forever.
Plus, it compels both sides to swear they are telling the truth about their finances.
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Many of these announcements came at a ceremony on January 8th to swear in the new cabinet.
Presentation ceremonies are performed daily and recipients must swear an oath to the Queen and the Lord Mayor.