Surveys show that some 50% to 80% of us dream about work, with a significant portion admitting they often wake up in acoldsweat and experience work nightmares once or more a week.
Benjamin Silverman, the head of research at InsiderScore, doesn't break out in acoldsweat at every headline reporting another writedown or missed quarterly earnings forecast.
What's great about this category is there is such a diversity: a comedy next to a really hard-hitting documentary that is going to break you into acoldsweat.
The idea of having your identity tagged from birth brings many of us out in acoldsweat, and is the reason large swathes of the public remain vehemently opposed to the concept of biometrics.
This is when you break out in acoldsweat because this is the moment you remember there is always a section asking for references and for your permission for HR to call your prior employers.
The idea is that you flash it before a meal -- thus, informing the staff of your keen ability to use the Internet -- at which point the manager will suddenly break into acoldsweat and start nervously heaping you with extraordinary service.