Away from the hubs, routine indignities and sweaty discomforts are made worse by the infrequency of connections.
The palms of my hands become sweaty when I am informed how much it is worth.
Somebody forgot to tell the sweaty hands at a 3, 500-acre quarry in Bridgeport, Tex.
But with all the small talk and the sweaty palms, was it really worth it?
Skiers, flushed and sweaty in fluorescent powder suits, swooshed by, shouting in German and French.
First we were accused of causing melting polar ice caps, rising oceans and sweaty polar bears.
Still, we'd love to see the option for those who just hate getting sweaty ears.
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Nobody wants to be sweaty or sitting on crispy, brown grass in their photograph, she said.
For cyclists, that means the weight creeps on despite sweaty days pumping across the heartland.
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Anything bland enough to ensure cross-party support could lead to some sweaty ministerial palms.
Early on, he's at a party, sweaty people, everyone in matching polo shirts, all in Louisiana to make money.
It's enough to leave a sweaty sheen on the brow of even the iciest Depeche Mode fan.
One commentator at the time said JFK looked like "a bronzed warrior" whereas Tricky Dicky appeared sick, unshaven and sweaty.
Crow says you should expect to work those sweaty controllers for up to nine hours a day.
It's consistent, well-written, well-played and, more importantly, it has a loud sweaty jam-packed blues club kind of energy.
Girls were also concerned about what their friends thought about exercise, and said getting sweaty was not feminine.
That is, until their televised debate, in which JFK looked calm and sweetly reasonable, Nixon sweaty and shifty.
When the woman looked over to introduce herself, there I was with my sweaty hands gripped around my phone.
The fact that these wines often taste like a sweaty gym sock may, in fact, be no small coincidence.
Sweaty and tired, we off-loaded the last of our beverages and walked away.
FORBES: Longread: Confessions of a Senior PGA Championship Mobile Cart Operator
Clutch a coin in a sweaty hand and the metals connect through the salty solution to make a mini-battery.
His teacher made him start at daybreak, with sun salutations towards the east until he was sweaty and hot.
ECONOMIST: Pattabhi Jois, a yoga teacher, died on May 18th, aged 93
The pitter-patter is drowned out as people take to the dancefloor, twirling and flat-footing in a sweaty, happy mass.
Also, you might arrive exhausted, sweaty and unable to focus for the first 30 minutes or so of any meeting.
Few people outside of medicine have heard of Lillehei, and few remember the sweaty-palmed suspense of open-heart surgery's early years.
The last thing you want is for your suit to stick to your skin should you have a sweaty episode.
Other major artists, such as Widespread Panic and Zac Brown, cut their teeth playing to sweaty fans inside the theatre.
Pairing up in London, the duo immediately struck gold with a sly, sweaty funk track called Who Did That To You?
The Indian pepper is the latest discovery by a fraternity of eaters who relish the sweaty, addictive pleasures of hot chilies.
Few people outside of medicine have heard of Lillehei, and few remember the sweaty-palmed suspense of open heart surgery's early years.