Stanford University sweeps the education category again this year, with the most graduate and undergraduate alumni.
There were three four-game sweeps and two five-game World Series between 2004 and 2008.
You know, May is sweeps rating period for us, as well as everybody else.
Severe flooding has hit Devon and Cornwall as heavy rainfall sweeps across the area.
Tuld sweeps in by helicopter, assembles everyone in a conference room at 2 A.M.
Hosts from both shows have hit the road to drum up viewership in time for sweeps.
They form a silent army that sweeps the streets, waits on tables and cleans the hotel rooms of tourists.
Speaking of which, panoramas default to landscape and only support left to right sweeps.
ENGADGET: Nokia Creative Studio brings panorama capture to Lumia handsets (hands-on)
But you keep running ... until the water lifts you off your feet and sweeps you onwards.
They come to him to install surveillance camera systems and perform sweeps for hidden cameras and bugs.
Electricity, meanwhile, is delivered via a conductive brush that sweeps around a metal ring in the stationary base.
And it can be intensely satisfying when the flame catches and a new idea sweeps around the world.
Nothing has prepared me for the view: a vast valley of black gravel sweeps into the distance under a sapphire sky.
All that really matters, of course, is that you hear the music--if Michelob sweeps you away, so be it.
Security sweeps in Conakry have tried to round up both Sierra Leonean rebels and Guinean dissidents hiding among them.
Typically, Collingwood hit nearly all his runs through the leg-side with a rich assortment of pulls, slog-sweeps and drives.
Trial lawyers desperately want to neuter the Federal Arbitration Act, which sweeps all manner of litigation into its maw.
It is the first time in the world that has ever happened, except for chimney sweeps and child labour.
America is clearly anxious to get other forces on the ground, thus freeing its own troops for counter-insurgency sweeps.
Along the bank, a breeze sweeps pink sand into the water, a cloud of fairy dust twinkling in a beam of sun.
Instead, like a Hieronymus Bosch painting, it is the details that bring the grand sweeps of writing to life.
And she said regular truancy sweeps are being held right across the county.
During a forest survey, an aircraft-borne lidar sweeps a beam that fires about 70, 000 pulses a second over the canopy.
In recent weeks, Pakistan's military and paramilitary have launched a number of sweeps for "suspected foreign terrorists" along the border.
Opposition councillor Brendan Jones, Lib Dem education spokesperson, said the initiative neeed to be seen alongside the council's truancy sweeps.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Pupils paid ?100 for turning up
Apple is rarely able to produce a product or service that sweeps the industry and prevents competitors from cashing in.
As the metal detector sweeps over the mine, the dots grow, creating a visual outline of the mine in the field.
More than that, I like scanning the frame in great sweeps and even sometimes turning my head to follow the action.
Saturn has a network of over 60 moons and as they orbit the planet their gravitational influence sweeps through the rings.
Lying in bed surrounded by great sweeps of glass, it only takes a slight lift of the head to become one with the forest.