To make up for the nearly unbearable smell, the fibrous, powdery tanfruit has an addicting sweet taste inside.
This allows them to test thousands of potential taste additives to see whether they might taste sweet or savory with a speed that would be impossible with human taste testers. (You can find a scientific paper on the Senomyx sweetener work here. ) Synomyx has announced collaborations with Pepsi, Nestle, and Coca-Cola.
Not only must this victory taste sweet given the controversial decisions that have plagued this rivalry, but he will now stand a better chance for a gigantic payday himself against Floyd Mayweather at some point during 2013.
FORBES: Will 6th Round Marquez Victory KO Manny Pacquiao's Boxing Career and Earnings Potential?
Keep in mind that a lima by any other name will taste as sweet.
Some of them taste so sweet, it makes me want to petition the higher-ups at Sony to consider celebrating National Left-Handers Day (August 13) as part of the holiday season.
Taste buds on the tongue have receptors that tell us if a food is sweet or sour or some other taste.
Their research was complicated by the fact that of the five primary taste sensations salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami the taste of salt is the least understood.
Cancer patients' "taste can be blunted so they need something strong sweet, spicy or acidic just so they can taste it, " she says.
Judging from a taste test--less sweet and less bubbly than Coke, with a lemony aftertaste--Red Bull Cola will have a tough time competing with the giants.
That means roasting the vegetables until they are smoky and sweet, and toasting the almonds to deepen their nutty taste.
WSJ: Jos�� Andr��s's Romesco With Asparagus Two Ways | Slow Food Fast
The taste was all things at once briny, sweet, acidic, oily and lush.
Mussels, he said, "should taste exactly of themselves" which is to say sweet, meaty and reminiscent of salt water.
WSJ: Paul Kahan's Steamed Mussels With Celery Leaves | Slow Food Fast
Simply tell them your favorite spirit (tequila, rum, whiskey, etc) and the taste profile you're looking for (such as bitter, sweet, citrusy) and they'll create your new favourite cocktail.
The taste is delicate, with a muted peatiness and a lot of the sweet, floral notes.
To get the most unique and effervescent fresh taste in the house smoked salmon and marinated Maine shrimp dish, we add the sweet Concord grapes with their hint of acidity.
FORBES: Concord Grapes: The Little Purple Fruit That Packs A Powerful Punch!
Ketchup ignites the palate as one of the few foods to stimulate all five sensations inside the mouth: salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami, the latter of which gives body to food and is the savory taste found in cured meat and MSG.