The swelling Mississippi overtook the ponds, and the carp, native to Chinese rivers like the Yangtze, escaped.
By day six, the day my partner returned, the swelling and the bruise were gone.
By the fourth day, the swelling was nearly gone but the bruise was still slightly visible.
This changes the shape of the foot and can cause swelling, tenderness and pain.
He was taken to hospital and slipped into a coma with swelling on his brain.
Asadi says that as the marsh revived, many people returned, swelling the population to around 36, 000.
At the time, the idea that swelling and inflammation caused heart disease was still new.
On June 15, a swelling demonstration in Athens's central square veered out of control.
WSJ: European Disunion: Dithering at the Top Turned EU Crisis to Global Threat
Eighteen of 300 patients suffered brain swelling, an apparent immune reaction to the vaccine.
Air traffic was growing, and the air traffic control (ATC) system couldn't handle the swelling volume.
They are also feeling the pinch as swelling food and energy costs tighten budgets.
And they are pushing into emerging markets, where universities and government research budgets are swelling.
The swelling jobs count has lifted aggregate incomes, which augurs well for consumer spending.
Earlier on in his treatments, Chavez had acknowledged taking steroids, which can lead to swelling.
Lower body temperatures are known to slow cell death and swelling caused by severe brain injuries.
In recent years a swelling number of expatriates have also moved the other way.
Fearing a further swelling of paramilitary ranks, however, critics took the matter to the Constitutional Court.
How many had the foresight to call the latest crippling crisis swelling beneath their noses?
Opposition may already be swelling because of Mr Anwar's trial and the troubled economy.
Baby P was admitted to hospital in April 2007 for a large swelling to his head.
Young people everywhere are swelling the ranks of the unemployed, deepening inequalities and fuelling social tensions.
The English Premiership kicks off this weekend with an unprecedented number of foreigners swelling its ranks.
Rockies athletic trainer Keith Dugger said Tulowitzki has minor swelling in his left adductor, near the groin.
But when Portillo arrived to the hospital, he slipped into a coma with swelling in his brain.
Three days later he had to return to hospital suffering from headaches and swelling to his wound.
Less common side effects include headache and swelling of a person's hands, feet, legs, face or arms.
"I encourage it because patients need to rest and ice to keep the swelling down, " he says.
On average, the swelling was reduced by three quarters within a fortnight, and completely within a year.
Recessionary forces have a habit of swelling quite swiftly, like waves building ahead of a storm front.
Most scientists have credited ibuprofen's anti-Alzheimer's affect to the same mechanism the drug uses to calm swelling.