Golzernsee itself is a small alpine lake in a glacial trough, perfect for summer swims and picnics.
"I started doing like 40-minute pool swims at a local country club pool, " she said.
Her morning routine also may involve a pool, in which she runs as well as swims.
The shark is once again a dark spot in the water as it swims from the boat.
FORBES: Summit Series: Catching Sharks With Celebrities And A Billionaire (video)
The name Moby Grape comes from an absurdist punch line: What's big, purple and swims in the ocean?
Our happy little angels, content with their swims and schemes and summer comic books, would soon be transformed into shouting monsters.
During the swims, the researchers measured the volunteers' oxygen consumption, rectal temperature, swim speed and angle, and stroke rate and length.
That's why scientists from the University of Virginia are developing the Mantabot, a robot that looks and swims like a ray.
Fadela Amara, the government minister for cities, who is of Muslim origin and a feminist, called segregated swims a sop to fundamentalism.
Its South Atlantic population swims down South America's coast from southern Brazil, circles the Falklands in February, and then returns north in April.
She swims six days a week now with members of the Golden West Swim Club, a team made up of kids less than half her age.
Dr. Ken Kamler, a microsurgeon and expert on practicing medicine under extreme conditions, says that as Nyad swims, her body will first turn to glucose for energy.
First, the sheer amount of training it takes to get her body in shape is remarkable: Almost two years of daily six-, eight, 10- or 12-hour swims.
"The Warning (Keep Bouncing)" is a vicious, Moog-driven banger that sounds sparse, spacious and intense, while "Distortion" (as the name implies) swims in distorted guitars and tinkling bells.
Storm surge is already beginning to lap against the levees of Lake Pontchartrain as a troubled populace swims in the lake, drinks margaritas and practices their golf swings.
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Building a robot that can stand and walk on two legs like a human is challenging enough -- but what about a robot that swims like a human?
In open water races there are normally a lot of people around me and if the whole field swims slowly, in a tactical race, then I can still win.
Granted he has a team to help him out with these sorts of duties, but Sakurai obviously has a huge part in whether or not the game sinks or swims.
Nearly 50 other swimmers have completed the swim since then, but Annaleise is the youngest, according to Solo Swims of Ontario, a non-profit group that monitors the safety of long-distance swims.
Once the pair of gametes connect, they become a larva that drifts and swims in the tidal current, propelling itself by means of a little organ ringed with cilia called a velium.
ECONOMIST: A dozen ocean-cleaners and a pint of Guinness, please
She says she chose Lake Ontario for her swim because it's one of the hardest open-water swims in the world, and she wanted to "accomplish something difficult" for children who fight cancer.
Although training in a pool is an essential part of an open-water swimmer's regimen, it doesn't prepare one for the kinks of swims longer than 10 miles, or at temperatures below 60 degrees.
His famous Discworld novels introduced a whole new array of comic characters who live in a world supported by four elephants who stand atop a giant "star turtle" which swims endlessly through space.
At a guess, the State Department is keeping it on its list in order to make its removal a bonus to offer if and when a Syrian-Israeli peace deal swims into near vision.
One way round this for a swimming animal is to develop an outlet which allows urea to dissolve directly in the water as it swims, which is what the turtles seem to have done.
The bacteria that caused the recall is a strain of Escherichia coli, a bug that swims by the trillions in the digestive systems of people, cows and other mammals and is vital to digesting food.
Charity runs, walks, rides, triathlons, hikes, climbs, swims and other peer-to-peer fundraising events are a multibillion dollar business, according to the annual surveys conducted by our team at the Run Walk Ride Fundraising Council.
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Her financial planner, however, does know how old she is, and regardless of whether she swims around the world or at the local sports club, she has a different financial focus than a forty year old.