Schuchat noted swine flu symptoms are relatively general and nonspecific.
CNN: Regular flu season precautions advised in current outbreak
Public health officials are simply assuming that anyone with flu symptoms has swine flu, because it's the only form of the virus in circulation, he said.
CNN: Swine flu goes to college
Symptoms of swine flu in humans are expected to resemble regular human seasonal influenza symptoms, including fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, and coughing, the CDC said.
CNN: CDC confirms 7 cases of swine flu in humans
Symptoms of swine flu include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, the CDC said.
CNN: U.S. prepares for possible swine flu epidemic as global cases rise
Scientists say symptoms of swine flu in humans appear to be similar to those produced by standard, seasonal flu - fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and chills.
BBC: India swine flu outbreak 'kills 94'
Except for hospitalized patients, others with flu-like symptoms are not being tested to confirm they have swine flu, since "virtually all of the influenza that's circulating right now in the United States is the 2009 H1N1 strain, " Schuchat said.
CNN: Feds update H1N1 antivirals guidelines
In London, a hospital spokesman said a British Airways crew member developed flu-like symptoms during a flight from Mexico City and was tested for swine flu, but the results came back negative.
CNN: U.S. prepares for possible swine flu epidemic as global cases rise
The National Public Health Service (NPHS) said not all of these people would have swine flu and not everyone with flu-like symptoms would contact their GP.
BBC: More call handlers for swine flu
Dr Stephen Bridgman said Guernsey was not "complacent" and needed to carry out the extra tests because people with symptoms may find the flu carries strains of the swine virus in the background.
BBC: Island swine flu tests stepped up
"We have people without symptoms going into the emergency rooms asking to be screened for swine flu at the expense of people with real illness, " said Cathy Gichema, a nurse in Pikesville, Maryland.
CNN: Hysteria over swine flu is the real danger, some say
GPs have been asked to send samples for analysis from anyone with symptoms - even if they have not visited an area affected by swine flu.
BBC: Island swine flu tests stepped up