Captain Peter Sparkes said HMS Protector was "the Royal Navy's equivalent of a Swiss army knife".
The eighth reason is that selling skills , like a Swiss Army Knife, have thousands of uses.
If you're going camping, put the Swiss Army knife in a checked bag.
The refrigerator is striving to become the Swiss Army knife of the kitchen.
The woman entered treatment because she had been cutting herself on the arm with a Swiss army knife.
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The main effect of the decision is to restrict what had become a sort of Swiss Army knife for prosecutors.
Dreamed of Maia and the Swiss Army knife and woke up crying.
In addition to Mr. Deam, Airstream has designed trailers with Victorinox, the Swiss Army knife company and Quiksilver, a surfing and snow-sports clothing firm.
Mobile vendors will continue with their so-called 'Swiss Army knife' approach, loading phones with extras such as cameras, music players, Bluetooth and, increasingly, mobile TV.
It is the superhero of silicones and has quickly developed into a must-have in your MacGyver bag alongside duct tape and a Swiss Army knife.
Mobile apps have become the proverbial Swiss Army Knife of shopping, helping consumers shop a dozen times a day rather than 2-3 times per week.
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However, the Swiss Army Knife maker isn't out of the flash drive business -- it's committed to putting more of the devices on the market.
Bluetooth 4.0 is an option for the future, however, which could make LevelUp even more of a Swiss Army Knife for the world of mobile commerce.
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Such products are likely to end up more like the Swiss Army knife: a pretty good knife, terrible scissors, a marginal bottle opener and a crummy screwdriver.
It seems like today devices are becoming the Swiss Army Knife, being able to do multiple things, something for everyone, as opposed to being maybe excellent at one good thing.
If All About Symbian has its way, we'll soon be tossing aside our Treo 650s and PPC-6700s in favor of Nokia's upcoming Swiss Army Knife-of-a-smartphone, the N80 slider.
Schwyz gave its name to the rest of the country, in a roundabout way, and even the famed Swiss Army knife is made here, in the Victorinox factory just downhill from the town centre.
For most fliers who are not professional billiards players these changes will make little or no difference, though for some it will be nice to have that little Swiss Army Knife on hand again.
Like other viruses, HIV is a stripped-down invader: To reproduce and bud it uses a single, Swiss Army knife of a protein called GAG that hooks onto a protein normally present in healthy cells.
News reports cited the rise of Swiss Army Knife-like smartphones ripping the Flip to shreds, just as they have already done to MP3 players, landline phones, GPS units, digital cameras, even wristwatches and flashlights.
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The reason the Swiss Army knife approach could prove more effective is that many of the growth-promoting proteins involved in cancer are kinases, proteins that relay signals from one part of the cell to another.
And as I noted recently, none less than the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court signed off on a quite expansive view of the Necessary and Proper Clause, the constitutional Swiss Army Knife that lets Congress do pretty much whatever it wants in the area of economic regulation.
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"When you have someone like you or me who doesn't intend to attack a flight, whether we have a Swiss Army knife in our pocket or not doesn't make any difference, " said Ron, president of Virginia-based New Age Security Solutions and former head of security of Ben-Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, Israel.