The switch-off is also expected to reduce the council's carbon emissions by around 8%.
The street lights switch-off will be rolled out across the rest of Dorset in the next year.
BBC: Swanage street lights switch-off to save ?150,000 a year
It has already said if the switch-off took place, the Grade II listed lighthouse would remain intact.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cornwall | Lighthouse switch-off considered
The email also encouraged users to update to Skype and familiarise themselves with the service before the switch-off.
Until the switch-off date Messenger would work as it always did, said Microsoft.
Streetlights have been turned back on at five of the 46 Buckinghamshire locations that were part of a three-year switch-off trial.
In addition, when the government publicised the switch-off in June it also linked the move to efforts to restrict fraud.
The council will now consult with groups such as the police, fire service and community councils before the planned switch-off in the new year.
But officials said a probe into complaints by residents that a similar switch-off had led to a rise in anti-social behaviour have proved unfounded.
BBC: Swanage street lights switch-off to save ?150,000 a year
At present the county council runs 45, 000 lights and so far 14 parish councils have expressed an interest in taking part in the switch-off.
BBC: Somerset street lamp plan 'could save council ?120,000'
Some residents in Dorset are calling on the county council to turn street lights back on at night time claiming the current switch-off is "dangerous".
Last month, the chairman of Kenya's Media Owners Association, Kiprono Kittony, said the switch-off would affect four million people - and also urged the government to reconsider the date.
The streetlight switch-off was introduced in two phases between August 2007 and September 2008 and a public consultation on the proposals came to an end on 15 April this year.
According to Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper, the Consumer Federation of Kenya (Cofek) said the first notice about the analogue signal switch-off, planned for 31 December 2012, was given on 7 December 2012.
While developed markets have not only introduced digital terrestrial and largely completed analog switch-off, a second generation of digital broadcast (DVB-T2) is now being adopted in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Many authorities are trialing a switch-off of street lights at night, including Somerset and Wiltshire, but some have decided to turn them back on, including Milton Keynes, following a 30% rise in accidents and two deaths in unlit areas.
"It's regime change, " says Antonis: Whatever happens in parliament, whatever happens with the new austerity budget due to be introduced on 15 June, whatever happens on the streets, he thinks the rash of camps in Greek town squares signals a big switch-off from traditional politics.
The earpiece has an on-off switch, a three-stage volume control and uses a rechargeable battery.
The UK's conversion to digital TV began in 2007, with a region-by-region switch off.
It encourages cities and individuals to switch off non-essential lights for an hour at 20:30 local time.
In Powys, the council decided to switch off two-thirds of its 14, 000 lamps.
They seem only to care about where the on-off switch is located.
FORBES: Does It Matter If Millennials Don't Know How Cars Work?
If patients switch off BG-12, they might be more likely to try Gilenya than go back to Avonex, meaning a lost sale to Biogen.
With a mechanical keyboard, on the other hand, each key press triggers an actual on-off switch a feeling as solid as flicking on the lights.
Such was their dominance, United seemed to switch off mid-way through the second half and were fortunate not to be punished as Bolton laid siege to their goal.
Oldbury was originally planned to operate until the end of 2012, but its managers have taken the decision to switch off early - and Mr Illingworth said he was sceptical about that decision.
All these mutations were done by physically changing the animals' DNA. It wasn't until Johns Hopkins' Beachy and his colleagues remembered reading about the Idaho lambs that they realized cyclopamine could be used as an easier on-off switch for the hedgehog pathway.
If it all sounds too much, Mrs Kramlich points out that living with media art is really no different from living with fixed-image art. (The couple have works by Andy Warhol and Joseph Beuys in their mock-Tudor San Francisco home.) The difference, she adds with an eye to California's electricity troubles, is that you have an on-off switch and when the images vanish, the house is an artwork of its own.
Among the possibilities: Bait-and-switch heavy data users off the unlimited plans they signed up for.