The popular vote, which is symbolically and politically important but not decisive in the race, remains very close.
BBC: President Barack Obama defeats Romney to win re-election
Symbolically, she stands for the possibility of women to truly remake the patriarchal structure.
Or maybe it's because they provide lots of symbolically significant, high-tech manufacturing jobs, in marginal constituencies.
She symbolically and ritualistically addresses this by dressing Amajuba's stage with an assortment of enamel washing bowls.
In essence, to symbolically crucify him, and in so doing somehow render all the other sinners cleansed.
The promise was seen by government officials as symbolically important - a chaebol boss taking responsibility for losses.
Earmarks are symbolically potent but fiscally inconsequential, since they mostly parcel out spending rather than alter its level.
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- Being at Penn next year might make students' votes more meaningful -- statistically and symbolically.
Symbolically it would be a bitter blow for BP, but markets might actually see some upside exiting Shah Deniz.
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Make concealment and revelation work together symbolically, with the slurry wall as witness.
Without anything as significant symbolically as Labour's pro-nationalisation Clause Four to scrap, Mr Cameron has chosen to move on multiple fronts.
Symbolically the last flight came from Africa, where Sabena pioneered commercial air travel in the 1930s to Belgium's then colony, Congo.
She paid a short visit to a Royal Marine base at The Citadel, where she symbolically touched the key to the fortification.
And by being the point-firm for GM stock, Getco has symbolically arrived.
Netanyahu and Arafat finalized the long-elusive agreement in late-night talks at the symbolically neutral Erez Crossing, on the border between Israel and the West Bank.
Of these, cutting weapons numbers is both easiest and symbolically most eye-catching.
So the number four represents something a person is afraid of because it symbolically connects with whatever they fear most in their life.
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Play permits the child to resolve in symbolic form unsolved problems of the past and to cope directly or symbolically with present concerns.
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Symbolically ranged behind Mary's face are three windows, announcing the triple identity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
WSJ: Jan van Eyck | 'The Annunciation' | Old Subject, New Approach | Masterpiece | By Richard Cork
So yes, despite denials, it seems very symbolically they're very connected.
The campaign kicked off in December when Mr Wolfensohn and some senior colleagues symbolically booted a soccer ball into a goal at the Bank's headquarters.
It is being seen as symbolically important for the town too.
Symbolically adding to this already surreal atmosphere: the sound of nearby construction drilling so loud that at one point it forced a break in the proceedings.
Faced with the threat of U.S. troop withdrawal and fearing a new regional power, neighboring countries will ask for U.S. troops to remain, and they will--symbolically.
Although the amendment is unlikely to receive the 60 votes required for passage, it has at least some chance of winning a symbolically important 51 vote majority.
The museum itself reopened symbolically for a day in July 2003 to show that some of its riches remained - but it had remained shut since then.
"There are all sorts of complicated arguments around that, but symbolically it's quite powerful to see green and red hillsides when normally there'd now be snow, " he continued.
In Hershey, the Dipper symbolically blew that quota to bits.