Each was the embodiment of a Britain the other could neither understand nor sympathise with.
Local land trusts sympathise with the criticisms, but see no need to end the programme.
ECONOMIST: Clever ways to save land in the newly populous West
To sympathise with their cause is to risk being tarred with the same brush.
ECONOMIST: And finding that, in Thailand, they no longer fit together
Now that has a populist appeal which American consumers are more likely to sympathise with.
Anyone who has experienced the whiplash inducing experience of Georgia's road network will sympathise with Dilbo's plight!
"Her friends, her relatives, her parents would be there to help and sympathise with her, " he says.
Plenty more Belarusians sympathise with the demonstrators than are willing to face the temperatures and truncheons on the square.
ECONOMIST: Another meaningless victory for the president of Belarus
The moral case, although easy to sympathise with, is a way of trying to have one's cake and eat it.
ECONOMIST: Why the rules on copyright need to return to their roots
Some may sympathise with their concerns about mood-altering drugs, but the church wants nothing short of the global obliteration of psychiatry.
It's their tour and we certainly sympathise with their position in understanding they desperately want the tour to go ahead in Pakistan.
It is heartfelt and sincere expression of disappointment which one should sympathise with, but it is not an accurate comment on a general trend.
"I can sympathise easily with the resistance many will feel because we again will need to use a large amount of public money, " Mr Dijsselbloem said.
The trust say they sympathise with Derby County, who have refused to accept the prices set for their fans for the game at QPR on 27 September.
Mr Murdoch may sympathise with Mr Redstone, for he too has had troubled relations with his relations especially those who at times he has hoped would succeed him.
You might assume that an up-and-coming politician with a maverick streak, a descendant of social-outcast communities who used to dye his hair blond, would sympathise with such people.
Several other western governments, notably Germany's, sympathise with this approach.
But they did sympathise with their brethren across the border - no-one had a good word to say about the Northern Ireland Parades Commission which banned the Drumcree route.
This plays into a current trend: though there is currently wide support against sexually harassing behaviour in theory, in practice many people find it easy to sympathise with the accused.
This rhetorical structure was ambitious: to criticise both whites and blacks, but to sympathise with both groups' grievances, and implicitly to say that this made his candidacy even more necessary.
Did others in authority secretly sympathise with his views?
ECONOMIST: Tran Do, a dissident in Vietnam, died on August 9th, aged 78
Because of this, you can sympathise with his captains or the selectors for losing patience with him but it is my opinion that the upside of Harmison in the team outweighs the downside.
Mr Mbeki's deputy, Jacob Zuma, may have triggered the rand's latest slide by seeming to sympathise with Robert Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe, whose policies have pushed South Africa's neighbour to the brink of economic collapse.
Because, while we all no doubt sympathise with restaurateurs struggling in the face of chastened bankers and shrivelling corporate-expense accounts, there's no doubt that this is an excellent time to try those establishments previously considered too expensive or too snooty.