Sympathizing with the plight of oppressed Muslims overseas is not a signature to radicalization.
And people have a harder time seeing and sympathizing with and relating to a fish, I think.
She has a nurse's warm smile and simple manner, sympathizing with patients who struggle with their diets or medicine.
Paul would likely draw staff from organizations like the confederate-sympathizing Mises Institute.
Non-sympathizing media groups were called liars and thieves, they were accused of cooperating with the military dictatorship and even physically threatened.
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Germany, for example, had at least 50, 000 individuals that have been linked to be a foreign extremists, not necessarily terrorists but sympathizing.
Huffman stands out as a Communist sympathizing dancer who good-naturedly butts head with Miles but ultimately ends up just as jaded as her friend.
Similar sentiments saw Greece's fascist-sympathizing Golden Dawn party garnering roughly 7% of the polling this weekend at the expense of mainstream conservative and leftist parties.
Guitar Hero may be seen as losing a long fought battle with rival music game series Rock Band, but developer Harmonix is sympathizing with the recent shutdown.
At the same time I finished reading (and sympathizing) with Cringely I found myself reading elsewhere that the airline industry had its safest year ever.
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Others were individuals, like Jamal Barzinji, a board member of several Islamist-sympathizing organizations that were raided and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of fundraising for terrorists.
This doesn't mean that those racist or Nazi-sympathizing elements don't still exist within different countries' far right groups, he said, but those at the top have often learned to present a more acceptable public face.
At the request of the provost he taught a class in ancient Greek literature in translation, sympathizing with students who found Thucydides impenetrable: The Modern Library edition has one map of the entire Hellenic world, with 180 labels on it.
While the lengthy proceeding resulted in a mistrial (due, it appears, to misconduct by a self-professed Hamas-sympathizing juror), documents placed in the record by prosecutors are damning with respect to connections between Saudi-financed influence operations like the ISNA and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on the one hand and various bad actors around the globe on the other.