It is the synergy of these compounds that can enhance the identified active ingredients.
He backed down, says Ms. Contini, co-founder of Synergy Sales Training, Los Gatos, Calif.
It was a very interesting kind of synergy between the old and the new.
We all agreed that the synergy levels were significantly in favor of Renault and Nissan, ???
In this context, Republicanism and Catholicism find synergy -- and Ryan is its embodiment.
There's very little synergy between them, says Paul Abel, manager of the Kinetics Medical Fund.
Then what had been seen as seamless synergy could look more like seamy self-dealing.
Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive technology remains the standard by which other hybrids are judged.
WSJ: 2012 Toyota Prius c Review: Pleasure Not Included | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
There are two main steps to configure Synergy to auto-launch on Mac OS X.
ENGADGET: How-To: Share your keyboard and mouse in realtime with Synergy
Despite all those nurses out there doing physical exams, "there was zero synergy, " McNamee recalls painfully.
Until we see that beyond talent, there is synergy, we should be careful about glorious predictions.
FORBES: Why Experts Failed To Predict Cowboy's Failures And Why Phillips Had To Go
And the synergy that looks good on paper is proving hard to put into practice.
Clever synergy will therefore be needed between public policy and these firmly independent institutions.
However wrapped up in sonorous stuff about synergy, plenty of mergers begin with sheer executive boredom.
Then delete the leading "b" and instead of use the IP address of your Synergy server.
ENGADGET: How-To: Share your keyboard and mouse in realtime with Synergy
The newfound synergy poses a marketing dilemma as the company tries to push the Chrysler brand upscale.
" In 2001 he bragged in BusinessWeek: "What used to be a conflict is now a synergy.
Analysts doubt whether the merger will create any synergy beyond keeping Tongkook's two troubled sisters in business.
Then a boatload of rowers is shown steaming downriver as the narrator speaks of the power of synergy.
Additionally, Chicago smothers jumpshooters, allowing the second-fewest open jumpers per game in the NBA, according to Synergy Sports.
According to Synergy Sports, the Spurs ran 10 pick-and-rolls in that quarter, the same number as the Thunder.
If the synergy between teaching and research is lost, the whole basis of America's research universities is undermined.
From the customer's point of view, whether there is much synergy between investment banking and private banking is debatable.
On Friday against the Lakers, the Knicks ran 49, according to Synergy Sports.
He is shooting the ball within two seconds of catching it 23.9% of the time, according to Synergy Sports.
Try to avoid terms like: outside the box, streamline, synergy and paradigm shift.
The world has too many consulting slide decks that talk the talk of synergy without real possibility of implementation.
"Linking all your employees is really difficult, " says Laura DeSoto, senior vice president of synergy and innovation at Experian.
For starters, you need to take the essential step of developing a strategic framework that will drive synergy with sales.
Those behind the merger plan will be hoping that synergy - rather than culture clash - will be the result.