But some human proteins are either too large or too complex for microbial cells to synthesize.
Programmers will also need to figure out how to synthesize the intelligence of different programs.
Instead microbes use their remarkable biosynthetic capabilities to synthesize antibiotics and kill the competition.
The ultimate goal is to synthesize new drug molecules or new types of plastic.
Schultz built a prototype that allowed him to synthesize in parallel in one day 256 different materials.
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Although that could happen with a crop that has been modified to synthesize a pharmaceutical, it's unlikely.
One of his first assignments was to help design vocoders, the software in phones that synthesize speech.
Nexia is tackling a materials-science conundrum that has stumped even DuPont for 20 years:how to synthesize spider silk.
The next step would be to chop this genome up into, say, 10, 000 chunks and then synthesize these.
Pace told Bush that he would probably need until the autumn to synthesize this work and report back.
Its first client, the French biotech firm Cytomics, hired the group for a recipe to synthesize a cancer-fighting compound.
Siri, and Google Now and other apps can synthesize and retrieve data, but ultimately they cannot decide for us.
This wouldn't matter in a lower latitude, because the body can synthesize vitamin D if exposed to ultraviolet sun rays.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Human Culture's Effect on Genes | Mind & Matter
We also already have a federal committee to synthesize and publicize autism-related information and engage in strategic planning for addressing autism-related supports.
They all express Kahn's developed view that architecture should be timeless, synthesize old and new, and bring together the local and the universal.
By carefully analyzing this class of chemicals, they came up with clues that let them synthesize new repellents that they thought would work.
For example, Sega brought Man of Action Studios into their multi-million dollar Bakugan franchise to synthesize their Japanese TV storytelling techniques with Western sensibilities.
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As a decorative object, it is a testament to Lycett's ability to synthesize a novel form from a variety of historical and then-contemporary influences.
He rarely pauses in his narratives to synthesize or analyze, let alone to judge his powerful subjects, especially those who have been his sources.
Until today, there was no on-going global mechanism recognized by both the scientific and policy communities to gather, synthesize and analyse information for decision making.
Steve helped synthesize these problems during a sit down last week.
The genome has been sequenced several times over, and we have the technology to synthesize parts of the virus if we really need it for vaccine design.
"This new work demonstrates that there is a whole new market for these technologies, to synthesize DNA for people who want to store information, " said Dr. Endy.
It was here that he established the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) in 1964, an interdisciplinary postgraduate research centre that sought to synthesize literary studies with sociological ideas and analytical methods.
Such projects will throw off huge amounts of data, and one aim of the institute is to develop the large-scale database management tools required to synthesize and use all that information.
ThingWorx itself is both a platform to implement an activity stream application and to synthesize external activity and event streams in a way that could help discover surprises in another application.
There was no on-going global mechanism recognized by both the scientific and policy communities to gather, synthesize and analyse information on biodiversity for decision making until IPBES was established in April 2012.
Biologicals are made in living cells--usually bacteria, yeast or cultured mammalian cells that have been reprogrammed by the introduction of new genetic material to synthesize the drug, which is then highly purified.
"The biggest implication from this particular study is that we were able to actually predict repellency based on models, synthesize compounds, test them in the laboratory, and get good agreement, " Bernier said.
For example, a company with multiple business lines might use an ERP app to synthesize customer and business information from the different businesses in order to spot cross-selling opportunities or identify potential cost savings.
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