My system came with eight dimly photocopied pages devoted mostly to support, warranty and return policies.
Just to make things more convoluted, food production and distribution is now an internationalised system.
After two years they had a cumbersome system and a grand total of two dozen articles.
The cross-party report warned the proposed changes were being rushed and risked damaging the exam system.
BBC: Planned switch from GCSEs to Baccalaureate in England 'abandoned' - BBC News
In the US, more than 270 million people visit the national parks system each year.
Mr. MIKHAIL GRISHANKOV (Anti-Organized Crime Committee): (Through translator) It's a very powerful multi-headed system.
And he cautioned against central banks flooding the financial system with too much liquidity.
We asked, what if we designed a sound system that was a platform for the display?
The American political system, for all its faults, is the model for much of the world.
Public transport is excellent in Prague, with a well-integrated Metro, tram and bus system.
Microsoft rushed to get its system out for the 2005 holiday season, and it shows.
The change will bring an end to this system of "contracting out", with two consequences.
Asteroid 99942 Apophis is a primordial relic from the formation of our Solar System.
This should hold us over until we develop a thorough, sophisticated land-based antiballistic missile system.
The Web site and e-mail system crashed the second day that she was there.
Last fall he was ready to unveil it as a 288-satellite system very much like Iridium.
It's been clear since the 1970s that the class system was becoming more inflexible.
The episode fed criticism that the specialist system is antiquated and needed to go.
Whichever system is adopted (and both might be, for different applications), two further things are needed.
The nominator will need to create a user id or password if new to the system.
UNESCO: 2015 L��OREAL-UNESCO International Women in Science Awards
According to the FAA, the system will make air travel faster, safer and cheaper.
The Advantix cameras are based on a hybrid digital-and-conventional technology called APS, for Advanced Photography System.
That's not necessarily a legitimate argument in a capitalist system that's supposed to reward risk taking.
The regulatory system - the oversight system failed, and we are now paying the price.
Mr. WESSEL: The financial system is suffering the worst shock since the Great Depression.
Wasteful discards are reckoned to account for a quarter of total catches under the current quota system.
BBC: Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to save stocks
Plaid Cymru called on the Welsh government to "take urgent steps to ensure confidence in the system".
Maples, who oversaw the development of the Windows 95 operating system at Microsoft, is now an adviser.
Americans generally recognize now that our nation's health care system has become excessively expensive, ineffective, and unjust.
Green party MLA Steven Agnew said there should be one system for the appointment of all ministers.