If the system detects suspicious behaviour, the driver is alerted automatically by a report to his or her smartphone.
It means some computers could interpret '00' as 1900 instead of 2000, causing system failure or unpredictable behaviour.
Its behaviour management system, developed in-house, is to be made available to local high schools by means of an open source licence.
"Catching increased numbers of speeding motorists is not the aim and we hope that community representatives and road users will welcome the influence this system will have on driver behaviour and speed, " he said.
BBC: The new speed check system will be operating near Newry
The system can distinguish between types of behaviour and incoming information, says Dr Horvitz.
But if a firm can tell them what its employees care about, economists are well equipped to craft a compensation system that encourages the right kinds of behaviour.
Their confidence in HMRC and the tax system will be undermined and there will be behaviour changes and planning to avoid the charge.
BBC: Child benefit changes 'seriously flawed' accountants say
The KDDI system, is able to detect more complex behaviour by using analytical software - held on a server back at base - to match patterns of common movements.
Litte called for Amazon to change its review system to help stamp out some of the bad behaviour of the time.
It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.
We would assume that going back to the old taxation system would lead to a similar move back in corporate behaviour.
FORBES: This Might Not Be The Best Time To Be Investing For A Dividend Income
The chief executive of the learning disabilities charity Mencap, Mark Goldring, said cases like Simone's highlight a system that has resorted to warehousing difficult patients with challenging behaviour.
It is possible that depression could have an impact on hormones or the immune system, or that depressed people tend to engage in behaviour which might affect how long they live.
That kind of behaviour - whether genuine or the result of some automated system - is raising questions about Facebook's usefulness as a platform where businesses can engage with consumers.
Instead of using anti-inflammatory drugs simply to suppress the immune system, it might be possible to tweak it back to its normal behaviour.
Mrs Bernal, 50, from Tunbridge Wells, feels her daughter was let down by a legal system that failed to recognise the danger signs in Pech's obsessive behaviour.
He said the health system could not cope with the Aids crisis and Malawians should the scourge by discouraging the kind of behaviour that helps the spread of the disease.
"Poor behaviour which would be dealt with within the family should not be an express route into the criminal justice system for children who do not have the benefit of a normal family life, " committee chairman, Lib Dem MP Sir Alan Beith, said.