We shouldn't be surprised by this number - and perhaps we shouldn't be too depressed by it, either (see below).
More within the realm of possibility are the more conventional oil and gas resources on, according to Mulva, 2.4 billion acres controlled by the federal government (I haven't fact-checked that number, but it feels high).
Two specific types of immune system cell that attack invaders - CD4 T-cells and natural killer cells - increased in number with age, with a higher rate of increase in women than in men.
"Apparently he was exceptional with Nick -- I wasn't there -- so he would be my number one choice and I have been thinking about others, " Montgomerie added.
In the upper deck, there were the two guys wearing T-shirts with Bonds' number and the word juiced on the back.
The number 17 T-shirts, so stylish in mid-winter, are remaindered at half-price.
As for T-shirts, a size small, short-sleeved number from Ralph Lauren Sport equates to a medium "Favorite Tee" from Gap, and a size 18 crew-neck T-shirt from Petit Bateau.
Its Arabic-inspired retro t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts play on a number of Arabic phrases and in-jokes, making for a perfect streetwise souvenir.
Number four carrier T-Mobile USA --a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG (nyse: DT - news - people )--might also be interested in a merger.
Which is why, in preparation for Nov. 27--aka "Cyber Monday, " the unofficial kickoff to the online holiday shopping season--stores are redoubling their efforts to draw shoppers to their Web sites by getting more creative promotionally and by embracing alternative payment methods that don't necessarily require a credit-card number or a PIN.
The complaint cites a T-Mobile document in which T-Mobile explains that it has been responsible for a number of significant "firsts" in the U.S. mobile wireless industry, including the first handset using the Android operating system, Blackberry wireless email, the Sidekick, national Wi-Fi "hotspot" access, and a variety of unlimited service plans.
ENGADGET: US government files to block proposed AT&T / T-Mobile merger (update: companies respond)
For these, pick a pin number that a burglar won't be able to guess easily--avoid using your phone number, street address, or any other number that can be found in the home.
When Depot asked customers who made their water heaters, GE received the third-largest number of votes--and GE doesn't even make water heaters.
So removing that you I think would have had -- again, I don't have the number in front of me, but I'm pretty sure you would have positive economic growth -- positive job growth for that month.
While the numbers of black and Latino actors on non-profit stages increased, the number of Asian-American actors hasn't budged from the 2 percent-mark for the past three years.
Security researchers say that virtualization-based attacks aren't likely to be common--even though measuring the actual number of attacks on companies is difficult.
Koering also feels the constituents he represents -- a large number of whom are conservative traditionalists -- don't want him to support the legislation.
In the workforce, well, it's probably - I don't know the number exactly.
During a debate on piracy in the region on 14 March 2012, a number of MEPs donned T-shirts demanding that the two soldiers be dealt with under Italian law.
According to its About screen, this "DVT-1" (a late milestone) device packs 128GB of memory -- twice as much as the largest available capacity option right now (remember that 64GB iPhone 4 prototype in Hong Kong?) -- as well as a model number "MC550LL" which isn't far off from those of the fourth-gen iPod touches ("MC54xLL"), though this similarity doesn't help prove its authenticity nor indicate whether it'll make it to the market.
ENGADGET: iPod touch prototype with capacitive home button leaked?
"This may not be the end of it - we can't say the exact number until we meet to discuss the budget, " said Rod Bluh, leader of the council.
BBC: Swindon Borough Council set to lose about 50 extra jobs
Although the two sides don't see eye-to-eye on a number of issues, the visit is seen as an important move in laying the foundations for a more businesslike relationship between Bosnia and Yugoslavia.
Don't follow analysts' advice to drastically cut back on the number of new facilities--or if there is a slowdown, don't make it permanent.
Similar to the T-Mobile Sidekick LX, the Mobiflip is ideal for teens, tweens and the increasing number of talk-and-text users.
ENGADGET: Sharp Mobiflip channels Sidekick LX's vibes for Mobilicity
While we told you earlier this week that the Ion 2-powered ASUS Eee PC 1201PN wouldn't be arriving until late May, a number of European sites have gotten early review samples of the 12-inch "netbook" -- if you choose to call it that -- and have discovered that it doesn't use NVIDIA's Optimus automatic graphics switching technology.
ENGADGET: First wave of Ion 2 ASUS Eee PC 1201PNs lack NVIDIA Optimus
But surnames aren't reliable either, given the number of inter-marriages that occurred under Ba'ath Party rule.
"What we are talking about is a reduction in uncertainty - we find we haven't changed the number enormously compared to AR4, " said Prof Vaughan.
BBC: 'Best estimate' for impact of melting ice on sea level rise
There isn't one aspect of any number of different sources -- wind, solar, biofuel, nuclear, hydroelectric, coal, any of that -- not one of those things is going to solve all those problems.
How often the Universe has planets truly like the earth - true earth twins, planets the size of the earth, rocky planets with a surface that supports liquid water - well, we don't have that number yet, but I'm optimistic we'll figure it out.
"If the treatment wasn't complex, there wouldn't be such a high number of suicides amongst ex-servicemen, and so many in prison and sleeping on the streets, " he argued.