• We shouldn't be surprised by this number - and perhaps we shouldn't be too depressed by it, either (see below).

    BBC: The UK productivity puzzle (cont'd)

  • The complaint cites a T-Mobile document in which T-Mobile explains that it has been responsible for a number of significant "firsts" in the U.S. mobile wireless industry, including the first handset using the Android operating system, Blackberry wireless email, the Sidekick, national Wi-Fi "hotspot" access, and a variety of unlimited service plans.

    ENGADGET: US government files to block proposed AT&T / T-Mobile merger (update: companies respond)

  • The number 17 T-shirts, so stylish in mid-winter, are remaindered at half-price.

    WSJ: Jason Gay: Lundsanity's No Passing Fad

  • "If the treatment wasn't complex, there wouldn't be such a high number of suicides amongst ex-servicemen, and so many in prison and sleeping on the streets, " he argued.

    BBC: Conservatives' debate

  • Its Arabic-inspired retro t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts play on a number of Arabic phrases and in-jokes, making for a perfect streetwise souvenir.

    BBC: Secret Amman

  • "Apparently he was exceptional with Nick -- I wasn't there -- so he would be my number one choice and I have been thinking about others, " Montgomerie added.

    CNN: Montgomerie reveals agreement with Olazabal

  • Number four carrier T-Mobile USA --a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG (nyse: DT - news - people )--might also be interested in a merger.

    FORBES: Now, How Do They Plug It In?

  • Two specific types of immune system cell that attack invaders - CD4 T-cells and natural killer cells - increased in number with age, with a higher rate of increase in women than in men.

    BBC: Biological clue to why women live longer than men

  • When Depot asked customers who made their water heaters, GE received the third-largest number of votes--and GE doesn't even make water heaters.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • While the numbers of black and Latino actors on non-profit stages increased, the number of Asian-American actors hasn't budged from the 2 percent-mark for the past three years.

    WSJ: Report finds some gains for minority actors in NYC

  • Koering also feels the constituents he represents -- a large number of whom are conservative traditionalists -- don't want him to support the legislation.

    CNN: Economy enters same-sex marriage debate

  • In the workforce, well, it's probably - I don't know the number exactly.

    NPR: The Hidden Costs and Benefits of Illegal Immigration

  • During a debate on piracy in the region on 14 March 2012, a number of MEPs donned T-shirts demanding that the two soldiers be dealt with under Italian law.

    BBC: MEPs urge release of Italian soldiers

  • For these, pick a pin number that a burglar won't be able to guess easily--avoid using your phone number, street address, or any other number that can be found in the home.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Money | Keeping It Safe | 11/99

  • More within the realm of possibility are the more conventional oil and gas resources on, according to Mulva, 2.4 billion acres controlled by the federal government (I haven't fact-checked that number, but it feels high).

    FORBES: ConocoPhillips' Mulva Talks Up Gas

  • The Washington Post had done a poll that -- I forget the exact number -- 75 percent of the people didn't register their vote in the gubernatorial race based on the President of the United States.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Security researchers say that virtualization-based attacks aren't likely to be common--even though measuring the actual number of attacks on companies is difficult.

    FORBES: Virtualization's Dark Side

  • According to its About screen, this "DVT-1" (a late milestone) device packs 128GB of memory -- twice as much as the largest available capacity option right now (remember that 64GB iPhone 4 prototype in Hong Kong?) -- as well as a model number "MC550LL" which isn't far off from those of the fourth-gen iPod touches ("MC54xLL"), though this similarity doesn't help prove its authenticity nor indicate whether it'll make it to the market.

    ENGADGET: iPod touch prototype with capacitive home button leaked?

  • In the upper deck, there were the two guys wearing T-shirts with Bonds' number and the word juiced on the back.

    NPR: Major League Baseball Milestones Delayed

  • "This may not be the end of it - we can't say the exact number until we meet to discuss the budget, " said Rod Bluh, leader of the council.

    BBC: Swindon Borough Council set to lose about 50 extra jobs

  • Don't follow analysts' advice to drastically cut back on the number of new facilities--or if there is a slowdown, don't make it permanent.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "What we are talking about is a reduction in uncertainty - we find we haven't changed the number enormously compared to AR4, " said Prof Vaughan.

    BBC: 'Best estimate' for impact of melting ice on sea level rise

  • So removing that you I think would have had -- again, I don't have the number in front of me, but I'm pretty sure you would have positive economic growth -- positive job growth for that month.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • How often the Universe has planets truly like the earth - true earth twins, planets the size of the earth, rocky planets with a surface that supports liquid water - well, we don't have that number yet, but I'm optimistic we'll figure it out.

    BBC: From counting to characterising exoplanets

  • Which is why, in preparation for Nov. 27--aka "Cyber Monday, " the unofficial kickoff to the online holiday shopping season--stores are redoubling their efforts to draw shoppers to their Web sites by getting more creative promotionally and by embracing alternative payment methods that don't necessarily require a credit-card number or a PIN.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Don't let the growing number of bed-wetters in the administration slow you down.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: On enemy propaganda, Pentagon tells it like it is

  • And its players' ability to beat defenders one-on-one hasn't dropped off either with their number of dribbles per game staying fairly close to the usual 10, according to WhoScored.com.

    WSJ: Barcelona Has to Pick Itself Up

  • Earlier this month, a number of black players refused to wear T-shirts promoting an anti-racism campaign in protest at a perceived lack of action about the problem from the game's leading bodies.


  • Mr. NICOLAS SARKOZY (Minister of the Interior, France): (Through translator) In the face of more frequent and more violent crime in Saint-Denis, I don't understand why the number of people incarcerated is down.

    NPR: Violence Overshadows Upcoming French Elections

  • We've already terminated a number of projects that weren't performing -- and going forward, we won't hesitate to cut more and then take that money and reinvest it in someplace that's actually going to make a difference.

    WHITEHOUSE: Forum on Modernizing Government: Opening Session

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