No prizes for guessing who, in that scenario, Mr Davies had in a T-Rex costume.
Sue is not only the biggest T-Rex ever recovered, but also the most complete.
He started the festival on his land in 1970, when Marc Bolan and T-Rex were the top attraction.
Jefferson Airplane were the only major act to appear, but lesser known acts included Arthur Brown, and T-Rex .
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Coldplay headline island festival
Alex Jones, the T-Rex of conspiracy radio, and his guest say it is time to take the money and run.
FORBES: Talk Show Host Alex Jones & Guest Call For Run On Banks
He surmises those must have come from a battle with another T-Rex.
Since then he has amassed a collection to decorate his office that includes raptor and T-rex claws, crabs and a cave bear skull.
That same year, not five miles from my house, Sergey Brin and Larry Page started Google, the T-Rex of disruptors in the publishing field.
You might assume that an indoor navigation app for, say, the American Museum of Natural History has the same primary concern: getting you from the main entrance to the T-Rex.
FORBES: Smartphone Location Tools Are Great ... Until You Get to the Front Door
There's the China-doll sheen of Bo Peep, the molded plastic finish of the T-Rex, and a tiny troop of khaki green soldiers, to say nothing of the space-age sleek of Buzz Lightyear.
FORBES: Smartphone Location Tools Are Great ... Until You Get to the Front Door
At least seven T. rex-sized Mapusaurus roseae have been found together in the fossil-rich Patagonia region of the country.
Only one place on Earth holds big, beautiful T. rex-like dinosaurs in relatively soft sand, in a vast, remote landscape that all but insures privacy.
In his living room, Myhrvold has a life-size T. rex skeleton, surrounded by all manner of other dinosaur artifacts.
Nathan Myhrvold, the polymath ex-Microsoft executive, went hunting for T. rex remains with a bankroll and a passion (see ForbesLife, March 2011), adding nine specimens to the world's previous total of 18.
Jennifer, who sports hip-hugger jeans and white T shirts, lets her dogs, Chloe and Rex, romp around her office.
Seventy-two percent of the college students and 63 percent of the children drew T. rex as being too upright.
Tobii hasn't yet disclosed the retail price of its REX device, but says it is targeted at tech-savvy aficionados rather than everyday computer users.