• The FOMC has kept rates at extremely low levels since December of 2008 in a dramatic effort to mitigate the financial crisis and stimulate growth, and those levels will probably remain so long as U.S. unemployment stays at its historic highs and the committee doesn't see any near-term inflation threats.


  • "It enhanced the brain's perception across the board, not only to things that are obviously a threat but also to things that aren't obvious but might be threats, " says Lilianne Mujica-Parodi, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at Stony Brook University in New York and lead author of the article.

    WSJ: Why We Sweat When We're Stressed

  • As a result, al-Hamadany received death threats from insurgents who didn't like his collaborating with Americans.

    FORBES: Smart Collecting

  • The last time we saw T-rays, they were busy scanning bodies for tumors and security threats.

    ENGADGET: T-rays produce 3Gbps short-range wireless, make WiFi pout in the corner

  • You don't tackle things like Iran, climate change, proliferation, BMD or cyber-threats on your own.

    ECONOMIST: The future of NATO

  • Security is a concern with jihadist threats to the Pakistani order--Chinese execs don't leave the appliance factory without armed escort--but generally, "Lahore is a very safe place, " Jin says.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Subsequently, the government proved how its Crisis Management Group (CMG), a high-profile organization formed to deal with security threats, just wasn't up to the job.

    CNN: Operation Bungle?

  • We don't need to use threats or force, intimidation or coercion, or reduce ourselves to self-defeating bluster when our other tools fail.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • New opportunities and threats emerge, and yesterday's answers may not--and probably won't--suffice.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He said the Senate bill wouldn't allow the department secretary to transfer limited funds among government accounts in response to terrorist threats, without a time-consuming approval process.

    CNN: GOP, Democrats urge action on Homeland Security

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