"It seems like it happens a couple of times a year where all of a sudden you can't find the zone for whatever reason, " Johnson said.
The only serious accident I've had in my life didn't involve a distraction at all, but a patch of unexpected black ice and a sudden crosswind that sent me fishtailing at 70 m.p.h. off the interstate into an Iowa ditch filled, thankfully, with two feet of snow.
CNN: Judge rules using smartphone maps while driving illegal
You know, it's--you don't know it's there, and all of a sudden, it's making all kinds of crazy money and getting all kinds of accolades and notice.
Now all of a sudden they don't know if I really lived there or not.
"I was just getting ready to serve and I was serving and all of a sudden she wasn't ready, " Jankovic told reporters.
We have patients we see, all of a sudden we don't see them any more, only to re-emerge with a health care crisis.
CNN: CDC: 'Young invincibles' have significant health concerns
You don't see him for a couple of weeks and then all of a sudden he's back to old Pete really.
BBC: Chelsea keeper Cech had surgery on his skull in October
We didn't have enough money for infrastructure, schools, but all of a sudden, we had all of this money for Wall Street.
"I couldn't have noticed the car any earlier - it appeared all of a sudden and I only saw it for a split second, " he said.
But all of a sudden, the Knicks couldn't score, and the Celtics couldn't miss.
What we don't want to do is have that date be a drop dead date where all of a sudden he's back and then he re-aggravates it.
' All of a sudden the words 'anytime, anywhere' don't mean anything.
And all of a sudden your relatively old refrigerator or air conditioner doesn't work because the new operating system isn't backward-compatible with the systems in these devices.
Even now as we talk about sponsored access in the markets, maybe it wasn't getting enough attention so they added the word "naked sponsored access" and all of a sudden everybody's concerned.
All of a sudden, they are a lot less poor, and it hasn't cost the West a cent.
So, all of a sudden, we're putting big decisions about what we can and can't see into the hands of for-profit companies.